Job Hunting Takes Patience and Persistence

As you find yourself looking for a new job, in a turbulent job market nonetheless, you start off full of optimism and at full speed. Unfortunately, as time goes on, you become a little less optimistic and finding your ideal position seems out of reach. It’s at this moment when both patience and persistence are key to your success.

So what do you need to do to ensure you succeed? For starters, organization is key. To be successful, you need to be prepared. If you don’t currently have a job, job searching should be your full-time job. Dedicate your day to finding a job by creating a schedule and sticking to it. Items on your schedule should include researching companies, applying to openings, attending networking events, and writing cover and follow-up letters. For example, to break things up a bit, spend your morning researching companies and the afternoon writing cover letters.

As you may know, job searching can be tedious, so utilize the latest technology to find potential leads. Many companies are using social media, so make use of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.  Staying connected in your industry is important. Expand your network and market yourself to employers. Once your network is built, join relevant industry groups and add to conversations. Read as many articles as possible and learn as much as you can. You want your contacts to know you are knowledgeable in your field, and that is a great way to start. Don’t rush; take it one contact at a time, and watch your network build gradually

Keep track of every application and make sure to follow up. Stand out from the competition by following up with the hiring manager or appropriate contact after submitting your resume. The art of the handwritten note is not lost either. One day after a job interview, write and send a handwritten note as a thank you for their time. It really does make the difference when the employer is narrowing down between candidates.

Remember to stay positive and determined throughout the job search. If you’re looking for more tips on coping with the job search blues, contact one of our staffers today! At Exact Staff we are here to help you with any job search questions you may have.

Posted by Exact Staff

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