Data Behind the Impact Gratitude can Have on Workplace Productivity

Think “gratitude” is one of those overrated constructs that doesn’t really matter much in the workplace?

We get it! Most of us have been conditioned to believe that “nice people finish last,” so it’s not surprising that gratitude isn’t more highly valued in the world of work.

But we’ve also found some interesting data that proves the very real impact gratitude can have on workplace productivity.

Here are a few powerful facts from a Happier Human post – facts that aren’t just feel-good, but are supported by the results of over 40 research studies on gratitude.

Gratitude makes managers more effective.

Constructive criticism is certainly an essential skill in a manager’s arsenal, but so are praise and expressions of gratitude. If managers offer moderate, behavior-focused praise, gratitude has a tremendous positive impact on employee performance.

Gratitude enhances decision-making.

One study showed that gratitude motivated doctors to expend more energy, and therefore make more correct decisions, than doctors who received no expressions of gratitude. In situations requiring complex decision-making, gratitude can motivate individuals to work harder to make better choices.

Gratitude boosts productivity.

Insecurity at work can lead to trouble focusing. Instead of investing mental energy into doing a great job, workers who lack confidence tie up their mental resources (both conscious and subconscious) in worries. By contrast, research supports the idea that highly confident workers are more productive. Free from worry, their minds are able to focus wholly on their work. And what increases self-esteem and reduces insecurity at work? You guessed it – expressions of gratitude.

But despite these benefits, gratitude is tough to encourage in others – especially in the workplace. A study by the John Templeton Foundation showed that:

  • People are less likely to show gratitude on the job than almost any other place.
  • 74% of employees never or rarely express thanks to their boss.

How can you change things?

Lead by example.

The best way to get your employees to express more gratitude is by doing so yourself. Thank employees formally and informally, for things big and small. Express your appreciation to both groups and individuals, making sure to personalize expressions of gratitude whenever possible.

Another great way to express gratitude for employees’ hard work?

Provide the support they need. Whether it’s a single temporary for a day or an entire project team, Exact Staff provides a range of staffing and placement services to increase productivity and create a healthier bottom line.

Posted by Exact Staff

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