The Secret to Creating an Amazing Corporate Culture

The real secret to creating an outstanding company culture?

Lean a little closer to your screen and we’ll tell you.

The secret is…

…that there is no secret. Or magic formula. Or foolproof method. An amazing culture can’t be created by waving a wand; it takes persistence, patience and team effort (and great ideas, of course!).

So with that out of the way, let’s move onto the real point of this post – which is to provide real-world strategies you can use to build and sustain an outstanding culture:

Be More Authentic

Do whatever you can to make your company more friendly, honest and “human”:

  • Adopt a straightforward, proactive communication policy. Skip the mind-numbing “corporate speak” whenever possible and use simpler language to convey your ideas.
  • Strive for transparency. Share your big ideas (even if they sound a bit crazy). Bring up the issues and challenges your company is facing – and discuss them as a group.
  • Talk about your culture. If you want to improve it, make it a regular part of your work conversations. Find more ways to bond and have fun. And when you detect significant stress or discord, bring it into the light. When you show that you’re willing to discuss challenges (as well as the good things), your employees will be more open to discussing and resolving them, too.

Invest in Your Employees

Give your staff the guidance, opportunity and growth they crave within your company:

  • Develop a more robust onboarding program to get new employees off to a better start.
  • Meet one-on-one with employees to create a 3-to-5-year career path for each.
  • Establish mentoring relationships.
  • Offer reimbursement for continuing education, professional training or tuition, so employees can stay at the top of their game (and become even more valuable to your organization).

When you invest in your employees, your teams will work better together. Your entire organization will perform at a higher level. Your employees will know that you’re committed to them – and stay more committed to your business.

Provide the Work/Life Flexibility Employees Need

When employees are stressed out, overworked or unable to meet their commitments outside the office, culture takes a nosedive. Set it on an upward trajectory by resolving to improve your employees’ work/life satisfaction. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Job sharing
  • Compressed work weeks
  • Telecommuting
  • Shifting start/stop times
  • Throwing things like sick leave, set working hours, vacation time and PTO out the window. When you have the right kind of people on your team (and a business conducive to this kind of flexibility), you can trust them to plan their time, get their work done, and do what’s best for the company – as well as your customers.

Build a Better Culture with Exact Staff

Temporary employees provide the support your organization needs – keeping your staff happy and working at their peak for you. To find out how Exact Staff can help you create and sustain an amazing culture, schedule a free workforce consultation today.


Posted by Exact Staff

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