What Do Successful People Have in Common?

As we are nearing the end of 2013, the term “success” is often talked about in the workplace. Bosses want to know how successful their employees were, and employees want to know how they will be rewarded for their success. Throughout the year, many of us set goals for ourselves and when we reach them, that’s how we measure success. Although there are many definitions of success, successful people have a lot in common. Our team at Exact Staff has compiled several of the top characteristics that successful people demonstrate:

They go above and beyond.
Successful people are willing to do more than what’s asked of them. To them, job descriptions are just a starting point of what they can really do with their career. Successful people are willing to take on more challenging tasks as well as doing the tedious work that nobody else wants to do, just to be a team player.

They know they are in charge of their career.
Successful people know that you don’t get randomly lucky and fall into an executive position. They work hard and position themselves for success. Successful people do things each day that make them grow and will better position themselves for recognition in the workforce.

They hold themselves accountable.
Successful people rely on themselves rather than others to get the job done . They leverage their current assets and look inward to find the solution. If they do make a mistake, they own up to it and immediately think of ways to improve next time. Making the same mistake twice isn’t an option for successful people.

They set goals for themselves.
Successful people set focused goals for themselves that are obtainable (albeit sometimes a “stretch”) and aligned with their strengths. They know what they are capable of and do what they can to reach those goals. Also, successful people work to improve their weaknesses.

They are effective communicators.
Successful people can get their message across clearly and concisely. They are confident enough with themselves to make others confident in them, too.

As you wind down for the year, take time to reflect on your successes throughout the year. If  you are looking for more ways to increase your productivity in 2014 contact one of our recruiters today!

Posted by Exact Staff

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