A Fun Way to Be More Successful, Backed by Research

You could be chosen for a high-profile project. You could land a promotion. You could find a better job. …and then you’d be happy, right? Not necessarily, according to research by Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage. While living, researching and lecturing at Harvard University, Achor spent over a decade studying the link between…

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Does Scarcity Reduce Your Decision-Making Capabilities?

When your employees have the knowledge, resources, time and tools to do their job well, productivity soars. Innovation abounds. And your business runs like a well-oiled machine. But if even one of these factors is in short supply? A “scarcity mindset” can creep in – causing mistakes that bring business to a screeching halt. As…

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How Uncertainty in Business Can Lead to Great Power and Opportunity

The only constant in business? Change. Regardless of your industry, organizational size or the number of years you’ve been in business, today’s operational environment is volatile, complex, and yes – uncertain. As a leader, does that uncertainty cripple or exhilarate you? A lot of it has to do with how you plan to manage it.…

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The Best Questions to Ask When You’re Frustrated with Performance

He’s probably lazy. He doesn’t care about his job. He’s just not cut out to work for this company. When an employee isn’t living up to your expectations, it’s human nature to make assumptions like these. But assumptions can be wrong – leading to, well, rather unpleasant consequences. So if you find yourself frustrated with…

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Power Up Your Workforce

Ever notice how some employees do the absolute minimum required to keep from getting fired, while others consistently go above and beyond your expectations? The difference in their performance is called “discretionary effort.” In simplest terms, discretionary effort is effort employees can give to go above and beyond requirements – when they want to. If…

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10 of the Most Commonly Misspelled Words in Business Correspondence

Whether you’re an experienced manager or a recent graduate looking for your first job, one thing is for certain: Mispelled misspelled words make you look ignorant. And nobody wants that (especially in business correspondence)! So before you send that email, upload that proposal or submit that resume, make sure it doesn’t contain one of these…

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