Does Scarcity Reduce Your Decision-Making Capabilities?

When your employees have the knowledge, resources, time and tools to do their job well, productivity soars. Innovation abounds. And your business runs like a well-oiled machine. But if even one of these factors is in short supply? A “scarcity mindset” can creep in – causing mistakes that bring business to a screeching halt. As…

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5 Customer Service Lessons to Help You Provide Better Customer Service

“You will not BELIEVE this car I just bought. It’s kinda non-descript-looking, the handling is alright, and the fuel economy is mediocre!” Not amazed? Neither are your customers if you’re delivering “so-so” service. In a hyper-connected, hyper-competitive business world, customer service provides critical opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage. But only if you consistently go…

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Do These Three Things – BEFORE Crisis Strikes

Accidents. Judgment errors. Cyber attacks. Nothing tests your organization quite like a crisis. And unfortunately, no business is immune. Regardless of your location, size or industry, your company WILL be forced to deal with major problems. So consider this question: If disaster were to strike today, how prepared is your organization to handle it? Not…

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The Secret to Creating an Amazing Corporate Culture

The real secret to creating an outstanding company culture? Lean a little closer to your screen and we’ll tell you. The secret is… …that there is no secret. Or magic formula. Or foolproof method. An amazing culture can’t be created by waving a wand; it takes persistence, patience and team effort (and great ideas, of…

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