Jobs for Right-Brained People

The right /left brain theory suggests that each side of the brain is associated with traits or characteristics. The different hemispheres of the brain are accountable for certain types of learning and emotions. Each side of the brain favors certain characteristics. For right-brained people, the following characteristics are common: Emotional Creative Musical Ability to read…

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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Career?

Do negative things keep happening to you at work? Are horrible bosses, unrealistic deadlines, backstabbing, and lack of support part of the workday? You are likely wondering why you have such poor career luck. However, have you ever considered that you might be the problem and the catalyst for these damaging events? Conduct becomes self-sabotaging…

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3 Important Things Great Leaders Do Every Day

Want to get more done? Inspire your team to greatness? Build a stronger organization? Oh, and do these things EVERY DAY? Develop better leadership habits. It makes sense. Great leaders are consistent and disciplined in their practices. They’ve acquired habits which improve their effectiveness and drive their success, every day. Thankfully, nobody has a monopoly…

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How to Get Employees to Accept Feedback

They get defensive. They call in sick on performance review days. They nod their heads and promise to change, but keep on doing the same things in the same way. Let’s face it – some employees just don’t want your management advice or feedback. And if you share it, they’re not likely to take it…

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Don’t Lose Your Composure! Maintain a Calm Character at Work

Your client just sent you a nasty email – blaming you for a mistake you didn’t make. You found three employees slacking off in the break room – instead of doing their jobs. Your sales team fell short of their target – again. When things go wrong at work, it’s natural to become frustrated and…

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