Want to Increase Engagement? Go with the Flow

Ever experienced focus so intense that you: Accomplish an amazing amount of high-quality work in a short period? Are impervious to distractions? Feel virtually unstoppable? Then you’ve been in a state of “flow.” Flow is a state in which you feel and perform your best. And it’s more than just a catch-phrase; studies validate its…

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Are You Showing Your Employees Enough Loyalty?

Are you as committed to your employees as you want them to be to you? Consider how your team members would answer the following questions (if their responses would be kept anonymous): Does your boss care about your happiness? Is your boss committed to helping you achieve your career goals? Does your boss recognize and…

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Terrible Leaders Can Teach You This

Ever hear of the “CASE” method? It’s an acronym for Copy And Steal Everything, something that great managers, executives and entrepreneurs do all the time. After all, why start from scratch when you can learn from another exceptional leader’s success? Of course, you can learn from terrible leaders, too – what NOT to copy and…

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The Leadership Secrets of LeBron James

He’s a four-time NBA MVP. Two-time NBA championship winner. 12-time NBA All-Star. And now that he’s returned to the Cleveland Cavaliers, his team is leading the Eastern Conference and poised for yet another championship run this year. Whether you love him or hate him, there’s no denying that LeBron James is an amazing athlete –…

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5 Tricks That Will Make You Way More Productive

Looking for quick and easy ways to improve productivity? We all are! Boosting productivity is essential to achieving work goals – whether they’re for yourself, your department or your entire organization. Below, Exact Staff shares five tricks that will help you and your team get more done in a snap: Change Your Mentality One of…

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How to Disrupt Your Industry

What do companies like Uber, Spotify and Dropbox have in common? They’re three of the top companies whose innovations are revolutionizing the business landscape. These organizations aren’t just coming up with cool new products and services; they’re turning their respective industries on their heads. How do they do it – and how can you accomplish…

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Want to Grow Your Business? Start Delegating These 6 Tasks

Enjoying those 14-hour work days? We didn’t think so. But unless you’re proactively handing-off non-essential tasks and projects, those marathon work days aren’t likely to get any shorter. Your best solution? Start delegating. Delegation is much more than a work/life balance tool; it’s a critical business process that can help you run a more efficient,…

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Get Twice as Much Done in Half the Time

Need to work a 60-hour week to get it all done? For a country so obsessed with productivity, we sure do put in a lot of extra hours. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right strategy (and a healthy measure of discipline), you can easily accomplish twice as much work in…

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Don’t Lose Your Composure! Maintain a Calm Character at Work

Your client just sent you a nasty email – blaming you for a mistake you didn’t make. You found three employees slacking off in the break room – instead of doing their jobs. Your sales team fell short of their target – again. When things go wrong at work, it’s natural to become frustrated and…

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3 TED Talks that will Inspire You

Need some inspiration, insight and motivation to share with your employees? All great leaders do! No matter what functional area you manage – sales, HR, operations, IT, finance – finding fresh perspectives and new sources of information makes you a better business person (and a better leader, to boot). Whether it’s watching a video or…

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