Surprising Things Incredibly Productive People Do

Daydreaming? Ignoring emails? Staring at pictures of puppies? They may sound like a recipe for disaster at work – but they can boost your performance. Over the years, we’ve been programmed to equate success with working relentlessly at breakneck speed. In reality? High performance comes from working smarter, not harder. So, before you automatically discount…

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Do These Three Things – BEFORE Crisis Strikes

Accidents. Judgment errors. Cyber attacks. Nothing tests your organization quite like a crisis. And unfortunately, no business is immune. Regardless of your location, size or industry, your company WILL be forced to deal with major problems. So consider this question: If disaster were to strike today, how prepared is your organization to handle it? Not…

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4 Ways to Remove Yourself from Distractions in the Office

Here’s an interesting statistic from the University of California, Irvine: Once interrupted, it takes an average of over 23 minutes to get back to the task at hand. 23 minutes! And here’s another one from the McKinsey Global Institute: The average person spends 13 hours (a full 28 percent) of their workweek reading, deleting sorting…

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