Data Behind the Impact Gratitude can Have on Workplace Productivity

Think “gratitude” is one of those overrated constructs that doesn’t really matter much in the workplace? We get it! Most of us have been conditioned to believe that “nice people finish last,” so it’s not surprising that gratitude isn’t more highly valued in the world of work. But we’ve also found some interesting data that…

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7 Hot Apps to Increase Workplace Productivity

Words with Friends? Pinterest? Candy Crush? They sure are fun, but they’ll do little to improve your – or your team’s – productivity. Thankfully, there are a ton of apps that can! Check out these top Android and iOS apps, specifically designed to boost personal and workplace productivity. And then get ready to make some…

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With Spring Upon Us, How Will Your Workplace Stay Productive?

The weather is slowly becoming warmer, making employees’ minds wander to the outdoors. After a long winter, employees are ready to get outside and have some fun. Unfortunately, sometimes the warmer weather can decrease productivity. Our team at Exact Staff has compiled some tips on how to keep your workplace productive as spring continues. Encourage…

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