Opening Lines to Set You Apart in Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It is a fantastic way to grab a hiring manager’s attention while highlighting why you are the best person for the job. There is no established proper way to open a cover letter, but there are certain lines to help you stand out and statements…

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A Simple Trick to Dramatically Boost Workplace Creativity

Employees struggling to get the creative juices flowing? Encourage them to fantasize more (stay with us on this one for a minute before jumping to conclusions!).  Research presented in this post points to some promising links between breaking a sweat and coming up with breakthrough ideas. In fact, fifty-three percent of Americans surveyed use…

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Feeling Overwhelmed? These Tips Will Help Change That

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone: A Families and Work Institute study cited in this ABC News article showed that more than half of U.S. employees feel overworked or overwhelmed at least some of the time. Research compiled by The American Institute of Stress show that job stress has escalated progressively over the past few decades…

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Surprising Things Incredibly Productive People Do

Daydreaming? Ignoring emails? Staring at pictures of puppies? They may sound like a recipe for disaster at work – but they can boost your performance. Over the years, we’ve been programmed to equate success with working relentlessly at breakneck speed. In reality? High performance comes from working smarter, not harder. So, before you automatically discount…

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Dramatically Improve Your Performance: Drop These Habits!

Ever wonder why: You’re being passed over for promotions? Your team members aren’t more receptive to your ideas? You’re not asked to join special project teams or to spearhead new initiatives at work? Maybe your bad habits are holding you back. Nobody’s perfect, and we all have idiosyncrasies that occasionally make us challenging to work…

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3 Ways to Improve Your Overall Workplace Productivity

Feel like you can’t gain traction at work? Overwhelmed by continual interruptions? Struggling to focus? We get it. Honestly, most of us deal with productivity issues at least occasionally. But while the world around you won’t stop so you can catch your breath (and catch up), there ARE things you and your team can do…

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How Can Daydreaming IMPROVE Productivity?

You know that employee who’s zoned out? He may hold the key to greater productivity for your organization. Conventional wisdom dictates that managers should keep employees “focused” and “on-task” to maximize productivity. But recent research has shown that occasionally allowing employees to space out, goof off and daydream can actually benefit your business. Yep, we…

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Data Behind the Impact Gratitude can Have on Workplace Productivity

Think “gratitude” is one of those overrated constructs that doesn’t really matter much in the workplace? We get it! Most of us have been conditioned to believe that “nice people finish last,” so it’s not surprising that gratitude isn’t more highly valued in the world of work. But we’ve also found some interesting data that…

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