3 Ways to Be a Leader People WANT to Follow

Does your team follow you because they want to – or because they have to? It’s an important question. Leaders who truly inspire others in the workplace create a positive cycle of success and high performance in which people: exert higher levels of discretionary effort; feel empowered to do their jobs to the best of…

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Become a More Successful Leader by Developing this Habit

You keep your offices, your operations and your company finances in great shape. What about your own body? Great leaders – people like Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Barack Obama – have rigorous fitness routines for a good reason: they understand how important exercise is to being an effective boss. Research supports what these professionals…

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Top Ways that YOU Can Grow as a Leader

Is 2016 the year that you become a better leader? Whether you consider resolutions a boon or bane, you know that improving your leadership skills won’t happen by accident. It will only come from setting SMART goals and changing specific behaviors. But what habits should you change? What goals should you set? While your objectives…

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