How Successful People Begin and End Their Workdays

Why is the middle of an Oreo so delicious?

It’s the chocolate cookies on the top and bottom.

This post isn’t about food (entirely), and we don’t recommend eating a package of cookies to enhance job performance. But the inventor of Oreos (or any sandwich cookie, for that matter), knew this important fact:

The way you start and end something – whether it’s a cookie or a workday – makes a huge difference in how great it is.

So, if you’re looking to make the middle of your day more successful, bookend it with these habits:

Morning Habits


Great leaders have rigorous fitness routines for a good reason: they understand how important exercise is to being an effective boss. Research provides evidence of a relationship between physical activity and improved cognitive and executive functioning. And in this post, we review the reasons you should exercise before starting your workday.

Fuel Your Body

When you wake up, your body has been fasting for several hours. If you want it to perform well for you throughout the day, give it what it needs! This post shares essential nutrition tips to transform your morning (and your entire workday).

Hold-Off on Checking Email

Email is vital, but checking it shouldn’t be the first item on your to-do list when you arrive at the office. Diving into your Inbox automatically puts you in reactive mode: putting out yesterday’s fires; responding to others’ requests; and potentially derailing your priorities.

Resist the Urge to Procrastinate

Use the list you developed the day before (see below) to guide your activities. Discipline yourself to attend to your highest priorities first.

End-of-Workday Habits

Stay Focused

Productivity typically diminishes late afternoon. Simply knowing that you’re more prone to distraction can help you stay focused, however. During the last hour of your workday, try to resist the temptation to get caught up in nonwork-related activities. An extra ounce of discipline at the day’s end will help you finish stronger.

Vet “Urgent” Communications

Successful people know what requires immediate response and what can wait until tomorrow. Review your incoming messages across channels, addressing what you must and deferring what you can. When possible, set a time of day for following up tomorrow on non-urgent matters.


Consider what, when and why things went right (or wrong) during your day. Learn what you can, and apply those lessons to make tomorrow even better.

Plan Your Next Day

Never leave your office without a clear idea of what you need to accomplish the following day:

  • Cross out items on your to-do list you’ve completed. Note what you’ve achieved. The sense of accomplishment you feel will motivate you to aim high tomorrow.
  • Make a new list. Lay out your top three or four priorities, and resolve to tackle your most challenging or unpleasant task first. Why? You’re likely to get distracted with urgent requests and unplanned activities as your morning wears on. If you check-off at least one big “to do” before things get too hectic, you’ll have made great progress by lunch.

Make Every Workday More Productive – with the Right Staffing Support

Exact Staff delivers exceptional talent and innovative strategies to meet your local or national requirements. Whether it’s a single temporary for a day or an entire project team, we provide a range of staffing and placement solutions to increase productivity and performance.

What can we do for you? Contact a staffing expert at your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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