Smart Management: Avoid Making These Mistakes Twice

Being human.

It’s what allows us to relate well with employees, build meaningful business relationships and lead effectively.

It’s also what causes us to make mistakes.

Sure, we strive for perfection – but no matter how much experience we have or care we take, we’re still quite human. And sooner or later, we’re all going to mess up.

There’s an important difference, however, in the way that the most successful of us handle mistakes. Researchers from Michigan State University’s Clinical Psychophysiology Lab discovered that people fall into two basic categories when it comes to how they respond to slip-ups, blunders and missteps:

  • Some have a “fixed mindset” and think: “Forget it – there’s nothing I can do to change this.”
  • Others have a “growth mindset” and think: “Okay, I made a mistake. What can I learn so that I won’t do it again?”

Which group do you think the most successful people fall into?

It’s no surprise, really; the way you respond to mistakes can make a big difference in your success at work. By embracing mistakes, and then investing the time and effort into correcting them, you can actually make an error on the job work for you.

Let’s put that idea into action! Here are three mistakes that managers, executives and entrepreneurs commonly make – but that you should never make twice:

Failing to delegate.

No single manager can do everything himself (although many try). So until cloning is a viable option, you need to find the most effective ways of using your time and talent. Successful delegation actually allows you to get more done, by freeing you to focus on your essential job functions. It also helps you to develop your employees, by challenging them to accomplish higher level tasks.

Expecting different results from the same actions.

It’s the very definition of insanity! Still, some managers apply the same outmoded business practices time and time again, expecting different results. Learn from the error of their ways. When things don’t work out like you planned, don’t do it again and hope for a different result. Systematically test your process, approach or actions – even if it’s painful – to change the outcome.

Opting for the quick fix.

Instant gratification is everywhere these days, making quick fixes an attractive (and easy) option. The trouble is they typically don’t yield lasting results. When faced with a problem at work, take the time to drill down to the root of it. Develop a long-term solution instead of applying a “Band Aid.” In the long run, solving the root problem is the only way to prevent it from happening again.

Another big mistake you shouldn’t make twice?

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Posted by Exact Staff

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