Are You Showing Your Employees Enough Loyalty?

Are you as committed to your employees as you want them to be to you?

Consider how your team members would answer the following questions (if their responses would be kept anonymous):

Does your boss care about your happiness?

Is your boss committed to helping you achieve your career goals?

Does your boss recognize and appreciate your hard work?

Does your boss support your professional growth and development?

If you’re not certain that your employees would answer a resounding “Yes!” to each of the above, you may not be showing your employees enough loyalty.

Loyalty is a two-way street. To get it, you have to show it! Today, Exact Staff shares four ways you can prove your commitment to your staff – and get greater commitment, effort and loyalty in return:

Create Clear Career Plans

Hold periodic one-on-one meetings to determine employees’ long-term career goals. Help each individual to develop a three-to-five year career development plan that provides the challenge and clear direction he needs. Another way to show that you’re committed to helping employees achieve career goals is by implementing a formal mentoring program. Pairing talented staff members with mentors clearly conveys your commitment to their growth and professional fulfillment.

Invest in Employees’ Professional Development

Conferences, seminars, webinars and e-learning opportunities are valuable tools to accelerate employees’ professional development and improve loyalty to your organization. If funds are tight, consider one of these lower-cost training options:

  • Cross training
  • Brown-bag lunch seminar (where key managers give a one-hour training presentation during lunch)
  • Bartering training services with other companies

Hold Teambuilding Events

Teambuilding is a great way to strengthen the interpersonal connections that build trust and loyalty. If you’d like to plan your own event, here are a few tips to ensure its success:

  • Hold it offsite. The change of scenery will energize your staff and minimize distractions.
  • Promote the benefits. Encourage buy-in by using internal communication to generate enthusiasm and explain what employees stand to gain.
  • Mix it up. Break up the program into several short sessions. Include time for work, play, eating and socializing – and balance intense activities with more relaxing ones.
  • Allow time to process and reflect. During and after the event, discuss takeaways and benefits. Your team will get more out of the process if they understand the purpose and meaning behind the teambuilding activities.

Express Your Gratitude

Thank employees formally and informally, for things big and small. Frequently showing your appreciation sends a clear message that you value their contributions – and value them as both humans and professionals. It’s free. It’s easy. And it has a huge impact on loyalty!

Another great way to express gratitude for employees’ hard work?

Provide the support they need. Whether it’s a single temporary for a day or an entire project team, Exact Staff provides a range of staffing and placement services to increase productivity and create a healthier bottom line.

Posted by Exact Staff

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