How to Save More Money in 2016

Want to save more money this year?

Maybe that’s a silly question to ask – most of us do! Perhaps the more accurate one is:

Want a few practical strategies to save more money this year (that don’t revolve around Ramen noodles)?

If you’re already tight on funds or living paycheck-to-paycheck, it can seem impossible to stash cash away for a “rainy day.” But with a little discipline and creativity, you can save a tad more, spend a bit less and brighten your financial situation by the time summer hits (did someone say “vacation”?):

Be Intentional

In other words, plan to succeed! Set a concrete, realistic goal for your savings. Doing so will make it easier for you to adopt new habits. And don’t just stop at setting a number. Break that big goal into smaller milestones (i.e., target savings for each month), and then create a specific action plan for achieving each step, using the suggestions listed below.

Change Your Grocery Routine

Do you grab lunch out most days? Shop at a boutique grocery store because it’s smaller and more convenient? Take a hard look at what and where you eat, keeping a written record of everything you spend on food and drink for one week.

Shocked at the total? Don’t be – look it as an opportunity for saving. Then, develop some positive habits to spend less:

  • Clip coupons and check circulars for specials (many chains have handy opt-in emails with e-coupons, as well as store discount clubs you can join)
  • Search for lunch specials before noon hits
  • Plan your meals each week
  • Use a list for your shopping trips (and if an item is not on the list, don’t buy it)
  • Shop once a week at a store that caters to value-oriented consumers

Negotiate More

Negotiation works for all types of goods and services – not just for cars and homes! For example, try contacting the “customer retention” department for your cable or satellite provider. Tell them that you’d like to keep your business with their company, but you need to trim your bill. Your provider wants to keep your business and should be able to suggest alternatives (including promotional rates) to retain you as a customer.

Ditch Your Credit Cards

When you’re headed out to shop, eat or go to the movies, budget a specific amount of cash to spend – and bring only that much with you. Without access to your credit or debit cards, you’ll be far less likely to make that impulse buy or cover that round of drinks.

Another Great Way to Improve Your Financial Situation?

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Posted by Exact Staff

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