Office Productivity Starts with a Healthy Diet

Want to boost employees’ productivity?

Help them “feed their brains!”

Nutrition advice is everywhere. But quite honestly, your employees may not know how to make sense of complex (and sometimes conflicting) recommendations for a healthy diet. Furthermore, it can be tough for your team to prepare productivity-boosting foods under time crunches and financial constraints.

So today, Exact Staff is making things a bit easier for you and your employees. Here are four practical tips for a healthy diet that will boost your team’s focus and productivity:

  • Require employees to take a real break.

    Make sure everybody has enough time to feed their brains each day. Taking a lunch break is a fantastic way to get away from the stressors of work for a small time, refuel your body with nutrients and also refocus your efforts for the second portion of the day.

  • Skip the last-minute pizza.

    Offer healthy options when providing food for your staff. With just a little research, you can find restaurants that offer less processed foods which are high in protein and antioxidants.

    Apply the same logic to the snacks you make available to employees. Chocolate and doughnuts are tasty, but employees will perform better if you treat them to performance-boosting foods like fruit, nuts and other sources of protein.

  • Share ideas for a healthy breakfast.

    Mornings are crazy for most working individuals. Make it easier for your employees to get off to a great start by sharing quick, nutritious and portable breakfast recipes on your intranet, in the company newsletter or even on a bulletin board in the break room.

  • Invite a nutritionist in for a lunch seminar.

    Ask him to review tips for preparing quick, healthy and tasty meals on a budget. Use the opportunity to provide a healthy lunch for your team, and then ask employees to pay attention to how they feel throughout the rest of the day. Once your staff makes the connection between food choices and work performance, they’ll be more likely to follow the advice a professional nutritionist offers.

Employees super busy?

Maximize their performance by helping them make better food choices, and by providing the support they need. Whether it’s a single temporary for a day or an entire project team, Exact Staff provides a range of staffing and placement services to increase productivity and create a healthier bottom line.


Posted by Exact Staff

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