Terrible Leaders Can Teach You This

Ever hear of the “CASE” method?

It’s an acronym for Copy And Steal Everything, something that great managers, executives and entrepreneurs do all the time. After all, why start from scratch when you can learn from another exceptional leader’s success?

Of course, you can learn from terrible leaders, too – what NOT to copy and steal, that is. Check out these three things bad execs do (so you don’t make the same mistakes):

Ignoring Engagement

Employee engagement is more than a feel-good tactic; it’s vital to keeping your team happy, productive, loyal and motivated. Bad managers are frequently guilty of missteps like these that alienate employees:

  • Needing to win at all costs. A terrible leader feels compelled to win every argument and exert his authority in every discussion.
  • Explaining why others’ ideas won’t work. Managers who use this maneuver may think they’re demonstrating superiority by shooting down an employee’s perceptions. Over time, however, they destroy motivation – leading to avoidance and disengagement.
  • Failing to express gratitude. Not expressing appreciation is obviously a big de-motivator; no employee wants to be taken for granted. If a leader conveys the attitude that he doesn’t really value employees’ hard work, he can’t expect his employees to care about building the company’s success.

What You Can Learn

Take a look at your own management behavior! Make sure you’re saying and doing things that foster an engaged work environment – and create dedicated employees:

  • Demonstrate integrity in your actions and beliefs.
  • Protect your employees, especially when they make mistakes. Find ways to remedy situations that helps employees learn and grow.
  • Show your appreciation. Leverage recognition, awards and verbal praise as ways to increase engagement.

Being Too Nice

Appeasing employees and colleagues in order to prevent conflict may seem like a smart idea at first glance, but leaders who are too accommodating in their behavior pay a high price:

  • Their own ideas may be overshadowed by more assertive leaders.
  • They may wind up doing others’ work to prevent conflicts and make complaints “go away.”
  • Over time, they ultimately lose the respect of their subordinates, peers and managers.

What You Can Learn

While being “tuned into” employees is certainly important, you can’t afford to be a pushover. Set clear performance expectations for employees and hold them accountable.

And instead of avoiding conflict, realize that a certain amount is actually healthy. Improve your leadership abilities by truly listening to what others say, evaluating whether or not their ideas and points of view are valid. And if they are, be willing to embrace those ideas. Being an exceptional leader is about producing great results, not just being right.

Another Thing Terrible Leaders Do?

They overlook the benefits a staffing partner like Exact Staff can provide. With a national presence, and a full complement of staffing and placement services, we can rapidly deliver exceptional people to build your core team. Improve productivity. And seamlessly flex your workforce to match changing demands.

What can we do for you? Contact a staffing expert at your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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