The Leadership Secrets of LeBron James

He’s a four-time NBA MVP. Two-time NBA championship winner. 12-time NBA All-Star. And now that he’s returned to the Cleveland Cavaliers, his team is leading the Eastern Conference and poised for yet another championship run this year.

Whether you love him or hate him, there’s no denying that LeBron James is an amazing athlete – and an exceptional leader.

What are the keys to his success?

Though it may seem a bit surprising, many of the same attributes that have served LeBron well in the sports arena are equally important to business success. So today, Exact Staff shares the leadership secrets of LeBron James, in the hopes that one will inspire you to become an even better leader yourself.

He Acknowledges His Failures

LeBron left Cleveland to play for the highly anticipated “Dream Team.” But when Miami fell short that first year, LeBron took the heat – acknowledging that he had not performed up to his normal standards and resolving to improve.

He Pushes

Just 30 years old, James has already logged more minutes in his career than Larry Bird or Magic Johnson. But it’s not enough. Instead of “pacing himself” or limiting minutes to save his joints, he’s always pushing. Playing every game. Skipping 4th quarter respites. Completing grueling workouts to rebound from injury and improve his conditioning. He does all this to accomplish what he considers the most important thing in his life: winning a championship in Cleveland.

He’s Honest About Expectations

In LeBron’s famous “Essay” for Sports Illustrated, he wrote: “I’m not promising a championship…I want to win next year, but I’m realistic. It will be a long process, much longer than it was in 2010.” James wasn’t shying away from his ultimate goal, however; he was merely setting realistic expectations for his team and his fans. Since publishing the essay, James led the Cavs to the 2015 finals – and has them set on the same course this year.

He Brings Out the Best in His Teammates

Much as a smart business leader adapts his management style to match each employee’s personality, LeBron adjusts his approach to building spirit and performance. In a recent interview, Kevin Love said of James, “Some guys you have to get on, and some guys you have to put your arm around and slap on the a–. You have to understand people and how to deal with them. LeBron is incredibly smart. He knows how to get the best out of us.”

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