5 Tricks That Will Make You Way More Productive

Looking for quick and easy ways to improve productivity?

We all are! Boosting productivity is essential to achieving work goals – whether they’re for yourself, your department or your entire organization. Below, Exact Staff shares five tricks that will help you and your team get more done in a snap:

Change Your Mentality

One of the best ways to instantly increase productivity is by resolving to never touch the same thing twice. Instead of filing something away to tend to later:

  • Act on it.
  • Delegate it.
  • Or get rid of it.

When you make decisions about how to handle things as they come in, you don’t bog yourself down with follow-up items that rob you of critical time and focus.

Add “No” to Your Vocabulary

Are you one of those nice people who has a difficult time saying “no” or denying any favor asked of them? Get over it. When you can’t add a task to your plate, be professional – but direct. Vague phrases like “I’m not certain” or “Let me see” are just stalls that waste your (and the requester’s) time.

Tame Email Checking

If you let it, email will continually disrupt your focus and undermine your productivity. So instead of responding to each message as it comes in:

  • Set alerts to notify you when important vendors, clients or internal customers contact you.
  • Only check your email at predetermined intervals (say, every few hours or so).
  • Use your email’s auto-responder feature to notify people of when you’ll be checking your email again.

Acknowledge the Multitasking Myth

Research has proved that multitasking doesn’t work. Why? Because when it comes to the brain’s ability to pay attention, it focuses on concepts sequentially, not on two things at once. The brain has to disengage from one activity in order to engage in another— so you’re not able to give anything your full attention if you’re trying to do more than one thing at one time.

Give your brain a break – and your productivity a boost – by focusing on only one task at a time.

Get Help When You Need It

When work piles up, Exact Staff’s experts are here to:

  • Offload low-priority and administrative activities, freeing up more of your time.
  • Provide on-demand support, right when you need it.
  • Cost-effectively flex your workforce, keeping your business running smoothly.
  • Prevent burnout and overwork, both of which can undermine workplace productivity.

Whether you’re up against a deadline, need to staff up for a big project, or want to build your core team, our national staffing agency provides a full complement of staffing and placement services to help you get the most from your workforce.


Posted by Exact Staff

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