Do Your Best Employees Have One Foot Out the Door?

“Mentally Checked Out.”

“Headed to an Interview with a Competitor.”

“Just Got Off the Phone with a Recruiter.”

“One Foot Out the Door.”

Wouldn’t it be great if employees who are disengaged or actively seeking work elsewhere would walk around your office with signs around their necks?

Oh, to dream…

Most of the time, employees attempt to conceal their job-seeking behavior. Who can blame them? Until they have solid offers in hand, they need to maintain the status quo and not rouse any suspicions.

But while you’ll unlikely see anything as obvious as a sign around the neck, it pays to pay attention. Employees who are on the job hunt often display subtle differences in behavior which a trained eye can spot.

Could your top employees already have one foot out the door? Here are a few telltale signs:

Less time on Facebook; more activity on LinkedIn.

Noticed that a key employee recently uploaded a new headshot? Updated his professional accomplishments? Garnered several new recommendations? While this isn’t necessarily cause for concern from an avid LinkedIn user, any marked increase in activity could signal an employee is prepping his profile for a recruiter’s scrutiny.

Increased focus on the short-term.

Did that formerly ambitious team member fail to “step up to the plate” when creating 2017 plans? Has he neglected to ask about his annual bonus? Is he skipping the next company get-together? When an employee is planning to leave you, his thoughts and activities shift to the short-term. Keep an eye out for employees who have taken their eye off your company’s (and their position’s) long-term horizon.

They become ultra-efficient.

High performers typically do great work all the time, so this may be a tough sign to spot. However, if a good employee suddenly starts doing a really GREAT job – tying up loose ends, finishing key projects, and then gathering key metrics about them – put him on your radar. He may be prepping for a positive reference from you and want to leave on good terms.

Even if employees aren’t exhibiting any of these signs of disengagement, you should still be proactive in your retention activities. One of the best ways to keep top employees happy is by building a great workplace culture – and that starts with a smart staffing strategy.

Offering a full complement of staffing and recruiting solutions, Exact Staff is uniquely equipped to support your core team – and create a positive work environment:

  • Recognize a deserving employee’s accomplishments by treating him to a paid day off. We can provide a replacement worker for the day!
  • Bring in temporary workers during your busiest times, to alleviate the stress on your direct employees and keep them working at peak efficiency.
  • Offload low-priority tasks to qualified temporaries, freeing your best employees to learn, grow and further their careers within your organization.
  • Allow us to recruit exceptional full-time candidates whose work ethic and attitude complement your culture.

Ready to get started?

Contact Exact Staff today.How_Can_We_Help

Posted by Exact Staff

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