3 Important Things Great Leaders Do Every Day

Want to get more done? Inspire your team to greatness? Build a stronger organization?

Oh, and do these things EVERY DAY?

Develop better leadership habits.

It makes sense. Great leaders are consistent and disciplined in their practices. They’ve acquired habits which improve their effectiveness and drive their success, every day.

Thankfully, nobody has a monopoly on great leadership habits. With sustained effort (and a focus on the right behaviors), you too can become an even better leader. Where should you start? We’re glad you asked. Below, Exact Staff shares three important things you should do every day to get more from your people – and deliver better results for your organization:


Communication breakdowns lead to confusion and conflict, yet they’re one of the biggest issues leaders face. The good news? Small tweaks to your current habits can yield big benefits for your entire team. Here are a few tips:

  • Ask for more feedback. Communication is a two-way street; you need honest input from your staff as to what’s working (and what’s not) to build trust and become better at your job.
  • Provide all the information employees need up front. And then some. You’ll prevent mistakes, stalls and frustration – while making your employees’ jobs much easier. By over-communicating, you’ll also minimize the amount of follow-up emails and calls you receive – which will free up more of your time and improve your focus.
  • Choose the right medium for the message. Consider the importance and level of complexity of your message when deciding how you’ll share it. Then err on the side of caution. Face-to-face conversations do take more time and effort, but sometimes it’s the best option for sensitive issues or discussing important information.

Bounce Back

The best leaders are resilient – they respond quite effectively to everyday disruptions and conflicts that derail more rigid managers. Rather than reacting to negative work situations with distress, fear or anger, resilient leaders are able to overcome problems and quickly bounce back by:

  • Managing their strong feelings and resisting impulses;
  • Making realistic plans they can effectively execute;
  • Focusing on solutions.

How can you make resilience a habit? If you’re like most leaders, you have opportunities to put it into practice every day. When problems (large or small) arise:

  • Prevent yourself from reacting. Anger and fear are natural reactions – but not the most effective ones for you as a leader. Practice restraint, check your emotions and act intentionally.
  • Be fully present. Work on improving your ability to face the facts, no matter how difficult or scary they feel. Be realistic about what you’re up against, but optimistic that you’ll be able to find a solution.

Delegate Effectively

If you’re like most professionals, you have more on your plate each day than you could ever realistically accomplish on your own. So don’t try! Great leaders start each day by examining their “to dos,” prioritizing their responsibilities, and then delegating non-critical activities.

Want to make delegation a habit, but don’t have the internal resources? Give Exact Staff a call. We’re here to help you get non-critical activities off your plate.

Want to be a Better Leader?

Choose the Right Staffing Partner.

The right staffing partner can improve your effectiveness, by rapidly delivering exceptional people to support your busy team. Take on pressing projects. Improve productivity. And flex your workforce in response to changing demands.

With a national presence, and a full complement of staffing and placement services, Exact Staff can design the ideal solution for your business. Ready to get started? Contact your local Exact Staff office today.


Posted by Exact Staff

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