Get Twice as Much Done in Half the Time

Need to work a 60-hour week to get it all done?

For a country so obsessed with productivity, we sure do put in a lot of extra hours.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right strategy (and a healthy measure of discipline), you can easily accomplish twice as much work in about half the time. Here’s how:

Make Smart Lists (and Stick to Them)

Anybody can jot down a To-Do list. But, to become a true efficiency master, you need to take this productivity tool to the next level:

  • Write your list at the end of the day – when unfinished items are banging around in your head, begging to be organized. Then, fine-tune it in the morning once you’ve reviewed your inbox and voicemail.
  • Keep it realistic. Commit to finishing 1 major task, 3 or 4 secondary tasks, and 4 or 5 little things. That’s it.
  • Make it practical. Break major tasks into smaller components, including time estimates for each (this will help prevent you from over-committing yourself).
  • Stick to it.  Once you put it in writing, hold yourself accountable and for getting the job done (this is where self-discipline is critical).

Work in Bursts

Your brain, like your muscles, gets fatigued after long periods of exertion. Research has shown that working hard for a short period, and then taking a “mental recovery break,” is a great way to rapidly restore a high level of function.

Schedule “distraction time” (e.g., to play a quick round of Candy Crush, call a friend or just stare out the window) throughout your day to give your brain a break. By spending just a few minutes off-task, you’ll return to work with higher focus, attention and productivity.

Minimize Distractions

While it’s impossible to eliminate distractions at work, you can use these tips to thrive in the “interruption culture”:

  • Plan for interruptions. Schedule unavoidable interruptions – things like answering emails, returning phone calls and socializing – at pre-determined times. When you have a scheduled time planned for each task, it frees you to focus on other priorities for the rest of the day.
  • Control your physical environment. To increase your ability to focus, create a more serene environment for yourself. Silence and hide your phone. Turn off notifications. Neaten your desk. Close open windows on your computer.
  • Improve meeting planning. Meetings provide huge opportunities for improving efficiency. Distribute a clear agenda (at least 24 hours in advance) with discussion items, required preparation, and a rough timeline, so that everyone gets the greatest return on their invested time. And when you plan multiple meetings, schedule them back-to-back to minimize wasted time.

Need a Hand Getting it All Done?

Give Exact Staff’s experts a call. We provide a full complement of staffing and placement services to save time. Keep you focused on key priorities. Eliminate busywork. And relieve administrative burdens. Give us a call to find out what we can do for you.


Posted by Exact Staff

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