Dramatically Improve Your Performance: Drop These Habits!

Ever wonder why:

  • You’re being passed over for promotions?
  • Your team members aren’t more receptive to your ideas?
  • You’re not asked to join special project teams or to spearhead new initiatives at work?

Maybe your bad habits are holding you back.

Nobody’s perfect, and we all have idiosyncrasies that occasionally make us challenging to work with. But if you feel like something is holding you back in your career – and you can’t quite put your finger on what it is – make sure you’re not sabotaging your success with bad habits like these:

Negative Talk

When faced with a challenge at work, what’s your default response? Phrases like “That’s not going to work because,” and “We can’t do that,” are inherently negative, focusing exclusively on the problem – instead of potential solutions.

Your direct reports, coworkers and higher-ups all pay close attention to how you approach work situations. So, if you habitually complain or exhibit a defeatist attitude, you’re undermining your career. Need proof? Results from this survey show that more than 6 in 10 (62%) of employers are less likely to promote employees who have a negative attitude.

Portraying Yourself as an Expert – at Everything

You are undoubtedly talented at what you do, but no one is great at everything. And quite frankly, acting like an expert when others can clearly tell you’re not just irritates them – and makes you look foolish.

Contribute when you have something valuable to share, but don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t have all the answers. Owning your weaknesses builds authenticity, strengthens relationships and sets the stage for joint problem-solving – all of which are great for your career.

Being Condescending

When attempting to establish your authority, do you wind up sounding judgmental or patronizing? Even if your language is neutral, signals like crossed arms, heavy sighs and eye rolls can eclipse your ostensible desire to be an effective leader. If you want others to follow your direction and take your advice at work, don’t talk down to them. Make sure your tone, posture and word choices are consistently respectful, and that your criticism is always constructive.

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Another Habit Which Could be Holding You Back? Trying to Do it All Yourself.

Successful professionals start each day by examining their “to dos,” prioritizing their responsibilities, and then delegating non-critical activities. If you want to make delegation a habit, but don’t have the internal resources, give Exact Staff a call. We’ll help you get non-critical activities off your plate – and dramatically improve your performance.



Posted by Exact Staff

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