Trying to Instill a Healthy New Habit in 2017? Here’s How to Stick to It

Your co-worker just started her third year of crossfit training.

Your cousin quit smoking for good in 2016.

And that employee of yours? He’s already dropped 10 lbs. – and he only started dieting on January 1st!

You’re outwardly happy for them (of course). But on the inside? Frankly, you’re kind of irritated – how do they crush their New Year’s resolutions so easily?

Is there some secret to success they’re not sharing?

Heck – are they just better people than you?

Nope. In fact, of the approximately 40% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, a meager 8% actually achieve them. So if you struggle to follow through on the commitments you make each time the calendar flips, you’re in good company.

But if you’d rather be part of the 8%, keep reading. Below, we share a few practical tips to help you keep that healthy new habit you’re trying to instill in 2017:

Be Specific

Vague resolutions are impossibly difficult to achieve. If you commit to “being healthier” this year, how will you know in December if you’ve hit your goal? Get specific about exactly what you want to do. Quantify and/or qualify it, so you can measure your progress throughout the year.

Break that Big Resolution into Smaller Goals

Losing 50 lbs. seems like a daunting goal, but losing one pound per week sounds much less intimidating (it’s just 2.5 ounces per day!). Intermediary goals are easier to achieve and are cause for celebration throughout the year (which will motivate you to keep going as you hit each one).

Expect Setbacks

And readily forgive yourself. Straying from your goal doesn’t mean you have to abandon it completely. If you get off track, just tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day – and then get back to it.

Make it Public

Tell your friends, family and co-workers all about your healthy new habit and goals. Encouragement, positive peer pressure (and the risk of public shame) are powerful motivators.

Plan for Rough Patches

Travel, illness, company in town and hectic work schedules can impact your routine. If you want to keep your healthy habit on track, develop contingency plans for times when your schedule is disrupted.

For example, if your healthy new habit is to run 6 miles each week, create a backup plan for times that work, weather or illness wreaks havoc with your schedule. Shift your run by a day; walk if you’re recovering from a cold; find a treadmill if it’s snowing sideways. Be flexible. Get creative. Just don’t make excuses!

Resolved to create more free time for yourself in 2017?

Get help from Exact Staff. With a national presence and a full complement of staffing and placement solutions, we can free up more of your time by:

  • Providing temporary support to “offload” low-priority or repetitive tasks.

  • Assuming the time-consuming aspects of hiring including managing job postings, screening resumes and conducting initial interviews.

  • Taking a proactive approach to staffing and recruiting. The better you plan your needs, the more effectively we can help you meet them (saving you time and frustration!).

If you’re ready to learn more, give Exact Staff a call.



Posted by Exact Staff

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