Using Your Time Wisely When Job Searching

Have you heard the popular saying, “Job searching is a full time job,” because we sure have!  Actually for all of us at Exact Staff it is our full time job working for you! The saying does ring true, but there are ways to use your time most wisely when job searching. Our team at…

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Using Twitter for Your Temporary Employment Search

Social media is everywhere, and virtually every company is using it. Take advantage of leading social media platforms when it comes to your job search, especially Twitter. When they think of professional social media, most job seekers think of LinkedIn, but Twitter can be an extremely useful tool when it comes to finding a job.…

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Important Tips to Remember When Preparing for a Job Interview

You’ve submitted your application, had a brief phone conversation, and landed yourself an interview. You’ve made it this far, but what’s next? Interviewing can often be intimidating, but by preparing yourself ahead of time, you’re setting yourself up to land the job of your dreams. Here at Exact Staff, we have compiled a list of…

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The Very Best Friend You Can Have When Looking For A JOB!

In a tight market trying to get a job can be an impersonal, anonymous and downright defeating process.  You need a friend/contact that is “connected,” one who is “networked” and has your BEST INTEREST at heart.  YOU NEED TO BE WORKING WITH A RECRUITER from EXACT STAFF.  Here are 6 HUGE reasons why you need…

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Unusual Antics and Questions

Today’s LA Times featured an article about the unusual antics and questions that some companies are using to hire their talent.  I’ve included the list of oddball interview questions that were included as well as the top reasons applicants made poor impressions during their interviews.  Oddball questions: Name five uses for a stapler, without the…

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Let’s face it, anything that can make your life easier and more productive is a welcome addition!  I’ve come to rely on several apps that I know have been great tools for me so let me share my top five with you: DropBox– functions as an  online backup and file storage tool. You can use…

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I was talking to a candidate in our lobby this morning and I asked to see her resume.  She had terrific experience, exceptional skills and I have NO DOUBT that we will be placing her in a terrific career. BUT, I asked her to remove 3 things from her resume to give her the best…

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