Don’t Lose Your Composure! Maintain a Calm Character at Work

Your client just sent you a nasty email – blaming you for a mistake you didn’t make. You found three employees slacking off in the break room – instead of doing their jobs. Your sales team fell short of their target – again. When things go wrong at work, it’s natural to become frustrated and…

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Questions All Successful People Ask Themselves

What do exceptionally successful people have that you don’t? Higher IQs? More advanced degrees? Better hair? Actually, the difference isn’t so much what they have, but what they do. The truth is, you don’t have to be a well-coiffed genius with a Ph.D. to be successful – you just have to ask yourself great questions.…

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How Can Daydreaming IMPROVE Productivity?

You know that employee who’s zoned out? He may hold the key to greater productivity for your organization. Conventional wisdom dictates that managers should keep employees “focused” and “on-task” to maximize productivity. But recent research has shown that occasionally allowing employees to space out, goof off and daydream can actually benefit your business. Yep, we…

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Don’t Tweet It if You Don’t Want Your Boss to Read It!

Looking for your next job? Want to move ahead in your career? Then you better be careful what you Tweet. Need convincing? 93% of recruiters check candidates’ social media accounts pre-interview.1 43% of employers said they found something on social media that made them “deep-six” a candidate.2 Search the internet. You’ll find hundreds of nationally…

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Turning a Temporary Job You Like into a Career You LOVE

The economy is improving. Employers are hiring again. It’s a great time to find your dream job! But if you’re going the traditional job-search route and applying to positions online, you’re missing out on the “inside employment track” temporary positions provide. The truth is, temporary assignments are a smart way to build your skills –…

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The Year of the New Hire – What 2014 Will Bring

What many probably don’t know is that entrepreneurial firms are responsible for a lot of the job creation in our economy. Here’s why: they are extremely impatient and once they have a plan they want to jump into action before someone else does it first. Entrepreneurs are willing to do whatever to grow their businesses,…

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Seasonal Temporary Hiring Hits New High

As the holiday season quickly approaches, retailers consistently hire new temporary workers. According to an annual survey by CareerBuilder on holiday hiring, almost 40-percent of retailers are planning on increasing hiring for the holidays. This number is up from 36-percent from last year. To the benefit of those temporary workers, the survey also stated that…

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Stay Mentally Fit – Exercise Your Brain

Most of us focus on our physical fitness, whether we head to the gym or take a walk around the block. Few of us focus on brain fitness, probably because we didn’t know we could exercise it. That’s right, we can exercise our brains just as we would our arms and legs, and the results…

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Job Hunting Takes Patience and Persistence

As you find yourself looking for a new job, in a turbulent job market nonetheless, you start off full of optimism and at full speed. Unfortunately, as time goes on, you become a little less optimistic and finding your ideal position seems out of reach. It’s at this moment when both patience and persistence are…

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The Importance of the Follow-Up Letter

As if applying for a job and getting an interview isn’t nerve-wracking enough, what about all of those thoughts running through your mind after the actual interview? Even if you thoroughly prepared for your interview questions, and executed them well throughout the interview, sometimes you can’t help but think of all of the things you…

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