Happiness: Your Career’s Secret Weapon

He seems to have it all – a great job (with an impressive title), and even better career growth prospects. And, not surprisingly, he wears a big old grin on his face, every day. What’s his secret? How’d he get so happy? Does he have something you don’t? If you find yourself looking around your…

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Want to Succeed in Your Career? Plan to Fail!

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” But when it comes to your career success, perhaps the better spin on this famous quote is: “If you want to succeed, plan to fail!” Huh? Think about it for a minute. How many of us take an absolute…

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Top Actions to Take with Your LinkedIn Profile

You’re a savvy professional. You already know that you need a strong LinkedIn presence to increase your visibility, grow your network, enhance your reputation and personal brand, and take your career to the next level. But leveraging the full value LinkedIn offers as a job-search and career-building tool takes more than uploading a professional headshot…

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It’s High Time to Start Managing Time Better

Downtime. Overtime. Wasted time. You know how important effective time management is to your personal and organizational success. Obviously, it determines your overall productivity. But, it also has a psychological impact as well. If you’re great at managing time, you experience less stress, are more resilient and can be a motivating force for your entire…

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How to Save More Money in 2016

Want to save more money this year? Maybe that’s a silly question to ask – most of us do! Perhaps the more accurate one is: Want a few practical strategies to save more money this year (that don’t revolve around Ramen noodles)? If you’re already tight on funds or living paycheck-to-paycheck, it can seem impossible…

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5 Tricks That Will Make You Way More Productive

Looking for quick and easy ways to improve productivity? We all are! Boosting productivity is essential to achieving work goals – whether they’re for yourself, your department or your entire organization. Below, Exact Staff shares five tricks that will help you and your team get more done in a snap: Change Your Mentality One of…

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[Study] Women’s Biggest Concerns in the Workplace

Remember Rosie the Riveter? A cultural icon from the WWII era, Rosie became a symbol of feminism and women’s rise in the workforce. Since that time, women’s labor force participation rate has steadily increased. And today, women account for over half of U.S. workers. Needless to say, women have come a long way in the…

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Get Twice as Much Done in Half the Time

Need to work a 60-hour week to get it all done? For a country so obsessed with productivity, we sure do put in a lot of extra hours. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right strategy (and a healthy measure of discipline), you can easily accomplish twice as much work in…

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What Does “I Trust You” Really Mean?

“I trust you.” These three little words are incredibly important to your business. Just how important? Fostering trust between managers and employees yields a host of business benefits, including: Less red tape. Trust reduces the need for bureaucracy. When everyone in your organization can rely on one another to do what they promise, it eliminates…

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Smart Management: Avoid Making These Mistakes Twice

Being human. It’s what allows us to relate well with employees, build meaningful business relationships and lead effectively. It’s also what causes us to make mistakes. Sure, we strive for perfection – but no matter how much experience we have or care we take, we’re still quite human. And sooner or later, we’re all going…

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