How to Disrupt Your Industry

What do companies like Uber, Spotify and Dropbox have in common? They’re three of the top companies whose innovations are revolutionizing the business landscape. These organizations aren’t just coming up with cool new products and services; they’re turning their respective industries on their heads. How do they do it – and how can you accomplish…

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Want to Grow Your Business? Start Delegating These 6 Tasks

Enjoying those 14-hour work days? We didn’t think so. But unless you’re proactively handing-off non-essential tasks and projects, those marathon work days aren’t likely to get any shorter. Your best solution? Start delegating. Delegation is much more than a work/life balance tool; it’s a critical business process that can help you run a more efficient,…

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Power Up Your Workforce

Ever notice how some employees do the absolute minimum required to keep from getting fired, while others consistently go above and beyond your expectations? The difference in their performance is called “discretionary effort.” In simplest terms, discretionary effort is effort employees can give to go above and beyond requirements – when they want to. If…

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Controlling and Avoiding Workplace Violence

Think violence can’t touch your workplace? Think again. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA): Homicide is the fourth-leading cause of fatal occupational injuries in the U.S. Nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year – and an unknown number of additional cases go unreported. Working in…

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Can You Do That? Tips for Asking Applicants about Criminal History

“Have you ever been convicted of a felony?” If you have any hiring responsibilities, the mere mention of a question like this can raise the hair on the back of your neck. New laws and an extremely vigilant Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have made the process of protecting your organization – while still ensuring great…

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3 Ways to Improve Your Overall Workplace Productivity

Feel like you can’t gain traction at work? Overwhelmed by continual interruptions? Struggling to focus? We get it. Honestly, most of us deal with productivity issues at least occasionally. But while the world around you won’t stop so you can catch your breath (and catch up), there ARE things you and your team can do…

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Definitive Ways to Make Your Office a Great Place to Work

Did your office make Forbes’ 100 Best Companies to Work For? If not, don’t despair! Yours can still be a great place to work, even without a fancy title or a massive budget. What separates the good from the great? Let’s take a look at some definitive ways to become an employer of choice –…

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Data Behind the Impact Gratitude can Have on Workplace Productivity

Think “gratitude” is one of those overrated constructs that doesn’t really matter much in the workplace? We get it! Most of us have been conditioned to believe that “nice people finish last,” so it’s not surprising that gratitude isn’t more highly valued in the world of work. But we’ve also found some interesting data that…

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Office Productivity Starts with a Healthy Diet

Want to boost employees’ productivity? Help them “feed their brains!” Nutrition advice is everywhere. But quite honestly, your employees may not know how to make sense of complex (and sometimes conflicting) recommendations for a healthy diet. Furthermore, it can be tough for your team to prepare productivity-boosting foods under time crunches and financial constraints. So…

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Creating a Policy around Wearable Technology in the Workplace

Here we go again. Just a few years ago, HR and business leaders were challenged with creating effective BYOD policies to leverage the power and workplace flexibility that mobile technologies afford. Now, it’s wearable technology’s turn to change the game. Whether it’s the Apple Watch, Google Glass or a Fitbit, more and more of your…

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