4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Next Job Fair

Dreading that job fair? We get it. A job fair is uncomfortable, stressful and a lot of hard work. But if you leverage it correctly, a career fair can help you broaden your network and may even lead to job interviews. So don’t dread that job fair; embrace it – and prepare to succeed. Before…

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If it Takes 10,000 Hours to Master a Topic, Where Do You Stand in Your Career?

10,000 hours? That’s nearly five years of work! Few of us have that much time to devote to mastering a new skill. Still, continuing to educate yourself is essential to advancing your career and staying relevant. No matter what industry you’re in, technology is rapidly evolving. The rate of change is increasing. The value of…

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Your Online Reputation and its Influence on Hiring Potential

A picture of you drinking a beer. A potentially inappropriate comment you posted on your friend’s wall. A phony profile of you that your friend set up years ago as a practical joke. Can things like these really damage your candidacy when you’re searching for employment? Absolutely. In fact: Nearly half (47 percent) of recruiters…

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The Power of Your Personal Brand when Searching for a New Job

Undeniably, your online reputation greatly impacts your job search success. But if managing privacy settings to block your profiles is your chief concerns, you could be missing out on important opportunities to: Differentiate yourself; Get noticed by recruiters; Occupy a unique, competitive position in a potential employer’s mind; And ultimately land the job you want! How…

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Leave 2014 in the Past and Make 2015 Your Breakout Year

Find a better job. Get that raise. Start a new career. Made a career New Year’s resolution like one of these? Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward improving your future. To maximize your chances of success, start with a clean slate. Use these suggestions from Exact Staff to put the past behind you, so…

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The Future of the Paper Resume

Ahhh, the paper resume. That beautiful sheet of expensive, heavy-weight stock that summarizes your greatest accomplishments, relevant skills, employment history and (if you even have room for it!) your name. Is its future as bleak as those career advice sites would lead you to believe? Yes and no. You Still Need a Paper Resume for…

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Turning a Temporary Job You Like into a Career You LOVE

The economy is improving. Employers are hiring again. It’s a great time to find your dream job! But if you’re going the traditional job-search route and applying to positions online, you’re missing out on the “inside employment track” temporary positions provide. The truth is, temporary assignments are a smart way to build your skills –…

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With 2014 Half Over How Will YOU Reach Your Annual Goals?

We’re nearing the end of June meaning 2014 is halfway over. Chances are, at the beginning of the year you set goals for your organization — but are you able to meet them in the remaining six months? Of course you are! Companies set hiring goals in order to be more productive and efficient, and…

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Can a Tattoo Hinder Your Hiring Potential?

So you thought that tattoo you got on spring break was a great idea, but now that it’s time to enter the working world how is it affecting your ability to get a job? You aren’t alone, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center, nearly 40 percent of people between the ages…

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Create a Cover Letter that Positions You Above the Rest

Cover letters can be time consuming, but they are the perfect interview door-openers. Think about it, a cover letter is a brief document showcasing the reasons why you are the perfect fit for the job. Before the interviewer even meets you, they see your cover letter. Our team at Exact Staff has compiled some information…

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