What’s Coming Next for Your Business…And How to Prepare for It

What’s true of all successful organizations?

They think about, talk about and plan for the future.

No matter what industry you’re in, change is a constant. So if you’re spending too much time looking in the “rearview mirror” – and not enough on the road ahead – your products, services or processes will rapidly become outdated (even obsolete).

“Forward thinking” is a principle many organizations employ to look toward the future. Identify opportunities. And stay relevant. Used properly, forward thinking allows you determine what’s coming next for your business – and how to prepare for it. These tips from Exact Staff can help you foster a culture that encourages and formalizes forward thinking:

Employ Agile Methodologies

Adopt a new model of thinking about workflow and projects, taking a page from software developers. Instead of spending countless hours guessing how (and how long it will take) to accomplish a complex project, consider using a Scrum approach. This framework for managing processes relies on self-organizing, cross-functional teams that decide in real-time how to solve problems more efficiently and accelerate projects.

Capitalize on Micro-Trends

Today’s customers have more choices and information available to them than ever before. As a result, trends shift more quickly and incrementally. Stay on top of them by reading, attending industry conferences and paying attention to the research and data that matters to your industry. Integrate the information you learn into your short- and long-term business planning activities.

Use Scenario Planning

What if regulations became more stringent within your industry? What if the economy took another nose dive? Considering “what if?” scenarios is a highly effective way to imagine the plausible futures for your organization and industry. Map the trends and driving forces that could impact your business, including economic, legal, societal and industry-specific factors. Give special consideration to big “unknowns.” Then, define several scenarios that could play out for your company within a specified time frame. Assess the scenarios to determine your greatest opportunities, biggest threats and the best ways to prepare for the future.

Know when to say “No”

Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation is not about saying ‘yes’ to everything. It’s about saying ‘no’ to all but the most crucial features.” The lesson here? To stay future-focused, you have to be willing to say “no” more than “yes.” Make sure your company isn’t wasting time or effort on activities that won’t move you closer to your goals.

Thinking ahead about your staffing and recruiting strategies?

You should be. Proactively planning your human capital needs provides the greatest opportunities for cost-effectiveness, business flexibility and exceptional hiring.

Exact Staff is here to help. To design the best solution for your organization’s future, we invite you to schedule a free workforce consultation with us. Together we can assess your needs, brainstorm options and design creative strategies to help you prepare for what’s next.


Posted by Exact Staff

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