8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 am

Early risers are a virtuous people! Research suggests that successful people get up and accomplish more in those first few hours of wake time than the rest of us do in an entire day. And the list of famed early risers is long—Apple CEO Tim Cook, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Vanguard chairman Bill McNabb, and…

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2 Words that Hold Your Career Back – and What to Do When You Hear Them

“Good job!” On the surface, this phrase sounds positive – or innocuous, at the very worst. But when your boss uses it to describe your performance, they’re doing you a great disservice (especially when it comes to your career growth). Here’s why: Throwaway compliments like “nice work” do nothing more than encourage mediocrity and complacency.…

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A Simple Trick to Dramatically Boost Workplace Creativity

Employees struggling to get the creative juices flowing? Encourage them to fantasize more (stay with us on this one for a minute before jumping to conclusions!).  Research presented in this Ladders.com post points to some promising links between breaking a sweat and coming up with breakthrough ideas. In fact, fifty-three percent of Americans surveyed use…

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Meaning and Purpose: How to Find It in Work

Know someone who has an incredibly fulfilling career? A person who never seems to have a bad day, is passionate about their work, and truly enjoys their job? Don’t envy them; be them – by finding the meaning and purpose in your work. In this earlier post, we explored this concept in depth, citing neuroscience…

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Smart Tips for Improving Workplace Relationships

Not feeling camaraderie, goodwill and teamwork in your office like you used to? Might be time for a workplace relationship reboot. Like all interpersonal connections, sustaining healthy relationships in the workplace takes consistent effort. Left unaddressed, small disagreements, miscommunications or slights can do more than just irritate your staff; they can destroy teamwork, corporate culture…

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Interview Questions Managers Ask to Assess Your Personality

You’ve checked off all the hiring manager’s boxes: job skills, work experience, salary requirements and more. There’s just one big question left in their mind: Do you have the right personality type to thrive in the job? Savvy employers know that creating a successful match between a candidate and an opportunity takes more than the right…

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What’s the Best Way to Train Gen Z?

They’re young. Tech savvy. Socially conscious. Competitive. And they’re driving sweeping changes in the workplace. Now flooding into the workforce, post-millennials are prompting savvy business leaders to rethink every aspect of management, from job satisfaction to training. Unlike prior generations, Generation Z (also known as iGen or homelanders) doesn’t remember life without social media, ubiquitous…

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Off-Hours: Hobbies of Highly Successful People

All work and no play? It makes Jack a dull boy. And it zaps creativity, focus and performance on the job. The most successful people in the world knows there’s more to life than eat-sleep-work: Oprah Winfrey enjoys photography. Elon Musk plays video games. Richard Branson is passionate about yachting and hot-air ballooning. While each…

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Crush It in 2019: Mindset Shifts That Drive Personal Growth

Ready to overhaul your career, health, finances, relationships or any other aspect of your personal or professional life? Start with Overhauling Your Mindset The way you think about your life – your successes or failures, your powers or limitations –has a profound impact on what you ultimately achieve. Logically, you must picture what you want…

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Capitalize on Emerging Trends to Position Your Business for Success in 2019

Will your business ride a wave of success in 2019 – or get caught in the undertow? The answer depends on how quickly your organization capitalizes on emerging trends in your industry. It may sound brutal, but it’s true: With change occurring faster than ever, what worked yesterday might not cut it tomorrow. Business leaders…

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