Avoid These LinkedIn Photo Mistakes that Look Unprofessional

New to LinkedIn? Want to polish up your existing profile?

Then focus on your photo. Why?

  • Your LinkedIn photo is one of the first things people look at.
  • According to LinkedIn, your profile is 11 times more likely to be viewed if it has a photo.
  • If you’re on the job market, recruiters make snap judgments (consciously and subconsciously) about your professionalism and viability as a candidate based on this one photo.

Right or wrong, your profile picture makes a HUGE difference in the success of your job search and your professional career. But the good news is, you can stack the deck in your favor – IF your photo sends the right message.

Convey a professional, positive image by avoiding these LinkedIn photo fails:

The Microscope.

Make sure your photo isn’t so zoomed in that viewers can count your eyelashes – or so zoomed out that viewers can’t make out your features. As a rule of thumb, your face should take up about 60% to 70% of the frame.

The Slacker.

Wearing a dingy t-shirt? Reclining on your sofa? Holding a cocktail? Even if your hair looks great and your smile is confident, photos like these don’t help your career. So don’t use them. Make sure you’re sitting upright and wearing clothing that’s appropriate for a workday in your profile picture – because that’s how other professionals should think of you.

The Moldy Oldie.

Considering using a photo of your “younger self?” If the photo is old enough to see a PG movie, ditch it. Outdated images look, well, OLD – and may make others wonder what you’re hiding. Show that you like your current self, and that you’re on top of your game, by uploading a photo from within the past two years.

The Macabre.

Unless you work (or want to work) in a haunted house, skip photos that are dark or were taken in harsh lighting (scrutinize them for creepy shadows cast across your face). Use a picture that was taken in natural light or a well-lit indoor location.

The Selfie.

Arms-length photos? They’re fine for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – but definitely not LinkedIn. Even if you hate having your picture taken, ask a friend, family member or professional to snap your picture for you.

Don’t ignore the background!

Your fellow professionals size you up based on the context of your photo. So if that great headshot was taken at a bar or a pool party, skip it. Take a new photo which recaptures that relaxed smile in a more appropriate setting.

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Contact an Exact Staff Career Agent. As a national employment agency, our recruiting experts can help you identify your strengths, evaluate your career options, and find assignments and full-time positions that align with your goals. Search open jobs here.

Posted by Exact Staff

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