[Study] Women’s Biggest Concerns in the Workplace

Remember Rosie the Riveter?

A cultural icon from the WWII era, Rosie became a symbol of feminism and women’s rise in the workforce.

Since that time, women’s labor force participation rate has steadily increased. And today, women account for over half of U.S. workers.

Needless to say, women have come a long way in the world of work – but they still face considerable obstacles. What are their biggest concerns in today’s workplace? A global study of over 9,500 women by the Thomson Reuters Foundation reveals these top five issues:

Work-Life Balance

Among U.S. respondents, 43% of women rank work-life balance ahead of flexible work hours, insufficient maternity leave and even access to childcare.

Equal Pay

In the United States – and around the world – women are becoming more aware that they earn less than men working in the same jobs. Though the gender pay gap between male and female U.S. workers has narrowed over the past few decades, progress has stalled in recent years. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics research, in 2014, women working full-time in the U.S. typically were paid just 79% of what men were paid.


Nearly one-third of the women polled say that they have been harassed at work – but unfortunately, less than 60% report their issues.

The Impact of Having Children on One’s Career

On the positive side, millennial women are more optimistic than older generations when it comes to their role in the workplace. Study results show that younger women are more confident that they can have children without damaging their career.

Equal Career Opportunities

Nearly half (47%) of the U.S. respondents believe that men have better access to career growth and professional development opportunities than women do. And when it comes to starting a business, just 33% of U.S. women surveyed believe they have the same chance of success as men.

In today’s workplace, achieving pay parity, and providing women with the work-life balance and career growth opportunities they need, are business imperatives. Whether you need a single temporary for a day or a comprehensive workforce solution, Exact Staff provides a full complement of staffing and placement services to support your pursuit of these goals.


Posted by Exact Staff

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