Why The Best Employees Know How To Recenter

Recentering is the process of causing one’s thoughts and emotions to become centered again. It is a crucial piece of emotional intelligence, understanding and managing your emotions. Recentering involves reaffirming your goals, values, and critical principles.

Knowing where you are in your life at this moment is crucial to your future success. It is worth your time to take a step back to be clear about where you are and how you got here. The best employees know how to recenter their lives, and you can recenter your life too. Taking a moment to get your sense of direction will give you confidence moving forward, and here are some ways to recenter yourself.

Just Be

Be quiet and engage in a solitary activity that energizes your mind and body. Yoga, swimming, walking, and hiking all fit the bill. Unplugging from work and the world is rejuvenating. It gives your mind a break from the fast-paced overstimulation we are constantly surrounded by at work.

Practice Mindfulness

Try to be present in the moment. Mindfulness is an acute awareness of your body, emotions, and surroundings without judgment. It allows you to recognize the focus of your mind and control that focus. We end up investing energy where we focus. So, if you focus on fear, you will give your fear energy to thrive. Mindfulness allows you to be conscious of your choices and regulate your emotions. With practice, mindfulness can help you recenter to be an outstanding employee.


If you connect with a close friend, professional contact, mentor, or coach, you get to say what you are currently experiencing. It helps to put it out there, sort through it, and thoughtfully consider what to keep and change. A support person can validate you and hold you accountable for making the changes you commit to making.

Anchor Down

An anchor centers you. It impacts your ability to manage your state of mind. Anchors are something that you can see, hold or imagine. You use anchors to access a desired emotional state. Create positive anchors that encourage you to feel confident, empowered, determined, or motivated. Draw on them when you need to center yourself or readjust your course if you veer off the path.

Write a Gratefulness List

Make your list and write down everything you are grateful for in your life. It will help you appreciate what you have and zero in on your values and purpose. You can look at the people, events, and experiences you are grateful for and either reinforce the list or change it. It is excellent to read about the state of your life.

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Posted by xact support

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