What’s the Best Way to Train Gen Z?

They’re young. Tech savvy. Socially conscious. Competitive.

And they’re driving sweeping changes in the workplace.

Now flooding into the workforce, post-millennials are prompting savvy business leaders to rethink every aspect of management, from job satisfaction to training. Unlike prior generations, Generation Z (also known as iGen or homelanders) doesn’t remember life without social media, ubiquitous connectivity and YouTube.

In light of their fundamental differences, what’s the best way to get roughly 67 million workers trained to do the jobs of the future? Our national recruiters share tips for effectively training Gen Z:

Understand – and Leverage – Their Core Values

Having grown up during a time of multiple environmental, social and financial crises, Gen Z is socially aware, fiscally conservative and committed to sustainability. When designing training initiatives for this younger cohort, emphasize your business’ mission, vision, values and purpose, and how employee training will help you achieve that purpose. Beyond explaining the purpose of the training itself, detail how each employee’s development helps the organization to achieve a mission that serves society.

Go High Tech

In this Kahoot! study, majority of trainers (62%) say homelanders prefer mobile apps for learning, and nearly half (48%) say online learning tools are favored. Not surprisingly, training with videos and social media is a great way to connect with Gen Z; 39% and 34% of trainers use these options respectively.

Be Authentic

More than prior generations, Generation Z is willing to integrate their work and personal lives. Since work is a big part of their identity, they want authentic employers – and authenticity in their training, too. So, when creating training scenarios, team-building activities and characters for eLearning content, make sure they’re as genuine as your organization is. Otherwise, you risk alienating this marketing-savvy and brand-wary generation.

Consider Gamification and Interactive Training Tools

Results from the Kahoot! study also showed that nearly half(48%) of Gen Z workers prefer gamification or game-based learning, and 1 in 4(25%) prefers training via virtual and/or augmented reality. When designing eLearning scenarios and assessments, consider the value of these emerging technologies for feedback, engagement and encouragement.

Break it Up

Sometimes characterized as impatient, iGen learns information best in shorter, smaller “bites.” To make training interesting and effective for this generation, replace long-winded lectures or classes with chopped up, bite-size info sessions; break down longer training documents into digestible clumps of facts, tips and tools.

Recruiting Generation Z?

Exact Staff can help. Whether your needs are local or national, temporary or direct, the Exact Family of Companies provides solutions to make recruiting the right talent quicker and more cost-effective.

Posted by Exact Staff

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