Using Your Time Wisely When Job Searching

Have you heard the popular saying, “Job searching is a full time job,” because we sure have!  Actually for all of us at Exact Staff it is our full time job working for you!

The saying does ring true, but there are ways to use your time most wisely when job searching. Our team at Exact Staff have compiled tips and best practices on how to become an efficient and effective job seeker:

Make the Most of Networking Events.
Sign up for networking events in the industry in which you want to work. While you’re there, make sure to meet and converse with the other attendees. Do your best to get business cards and contact information because you never know who you might meet. Afterwards, within 24 hours, connect with the professionals you met on LinkedIn and thank them for taking the time to speak with you.  You can even make this LinkedIn connection while you’re at the event via your smartphone.

Decide on Weekly Job Search Time Requirements.
We get it, job searching isn’t always fun. Procrastination can be a job search killer, so decide on a number of hours each week that is reachable to you. Stick to this goal and budget your time appropriately. Make sure the hours you are conducting your search are compatible with normal business hours in the industry you are seeking a job.  Also make sure you can be reached by others during normal business hours (and that your phone message is business appropriate when someone from a potential employer is trying to reach you).

Know Your Digital Presence.
One of the first things a potential employer is likely to do is search for you on Google or on Social Media platforms. Have you searched your name lately? If not, it’s time to do so. Be sure you are aware of what potential employers might find out about you.

Be Diligent.
When you’re searching for a job, there is no boss to keep you on task. It’s often easy to fall off the job search wagon, but create a schedule and stay on track. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to job searching.

Finally, the most important tip is to use the team at Exact Staff to help you!  WE WORK FOR YOU to find you the ideal opportunity and we love what we do.   Let us be your career agent by calling on us TODAY!

Posted by Exact Staff

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