How Uncertainty in Business Can Lead to Great Power and Opportunity

The only constant in business? Change.

Regardless of your industry, organizational size or the number of years you’ve been in business, today’s operational environment is volatile, complex, and yes – uncertain. As a leader, does that uncertainty cripple or exhilarate you?

A lot of it has to do with how you plan to manage it.

Take, for example, the impact of the recent presidential election. In addition to the uncertainty created by President Trump’s proposed changes during his first 100 days in office (which could impact everything from employee healthcare and overtime pay to our tax code), the campaign and election may have already had an incredibly polarizing effect on your employees.

What’s the best way to handle all the ambiguity, tension, heightened emotions and divisiveness? This SmartBrief post provides two excellent suggestions for leveraging the power and opportunity inherent in uncertainty:

Foster Empathy

If your team seems polarized or anxious, say so. Acknowledging their tension is the first step in understanding and appreciating the unique emotional reaction each employee may be experiencing. By fostering acceptance of differing views (especially in uncertain times), you alleviate some of the pressure tension creates – preventing an “us versus them” mentality from taking hold.

Build on “Sameness”

Your organization is a place where employees feel a sense of belonging. Regardless of political views, external uncertainty, or any other differences or volatility, every employee has one important thing in common: they all work for the same organization.

As a leader, you have a unique opportunity to build on this commonality. Let your team know that, regardless of individual perspectives, you all stand together in facing the unknown. Rally your team around this common purpose, and use it to unite your employees in pursuing a common goal.

Looking for more ideas to help you manage uncertainty?

Read our earlier post on “forward thinking,” which shares practical tips for formalizing processes to determine what’s coming next for your business – and how best to handle change.

Then give Exact Staff a call. We’ll help you:

  • Analyze the potential impact changes in your business, industry, or even the political or economic environment – could have on your workforce needs;

  • Develop a flexible staffing strategy to make your organization more responsive and resilient;

  • Proactively plan your human capital needs, to increase cost-effectiveness and hiring success.

Schedule a free workforce consultation with us today. Together we can assess your challenges, brainstorm options and design smart strategies to help you prepare for what’s next.


Posted by Exact Staff

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