There’s No Such Thing As “Deserving” Success

Do you feel deserving of success, or do you have trouble accepting the success that comes your way? If you think you are unworthy of your success and feel like a fraud, then you are experiencing imposter syndrome. This syndrome is a feeling of phoniness in people, making them feel like they are not smart, capable, or creative despite evidence of achievement. It makes you believe that there is no such thing as success.

Imposter Syndrome

Coined in 1978 by a clinical psychologist, imposter syndrome convinces people that their success results from luck, timing, or factors beyond their control. Unfortunately, as your success increases, imposter syndrome intensifies.

Imposter syndrome is not considered a psychological disorder but a form of intellectual self-doubt that threatens mental health. Anxiety, stress, and depression can accompany the syndrome. Being deserving of success becomes something that does not happen.

Unfortunately, you can only partially rid yourself of imposter syndrome. However, you can manage it and hopefully rise above it.

The Culprit

Identifying the cause is the first action to take. When you experience disruptive thoughts and feelings, try to determine the cause. Take the time to write them down if you must. As you recognize causes, you will no longer be harsh towards your achievements.

Perfection Is Deception

Perfectionism fuels imposter syndrome, and nobody is perfect. So, instead of striving for perfection, do your best and get the job done. Doing your best eliminates the need to hold onto the false standard of perfection. We all make mistakes, so do not be afraid to make them yourself.

Stop the Comparisons

Comparing yourself to others must stop. Everybody has problems they are struggling to manage. You cannot compare your success with theirs when you cannot see other people’s problems. Comparison causes you to underestimate your skills and talents. Whatever triggers you to compare yourself to others must go.

Be Proud of Your Achievements

Although you might not be exceptional at some things,  you are undoubtedly good at others. Acknowledge these achievements. Consider making a list of your strengths and weaknesses and note where you need to work. It serves the dual purpose of motivation and acknowledgment to do better. No accomplishment is too small. Much hard work is the reason for your success, so realize this and feel deserving of the success your efforts make possible.

Nobody Knows What They Are Doing

The next time you think that nobody, including yourself, deserves success, remember that nobody knows what they are doing. When you hear success stories, please pay attention to the struggles and failures these achievers endured to attain their success. They deserve their success, and so do you.

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