The Secret to Keeping Your Team Motivated as Summer Heats Up

As the summer approaches, you might have trouble keeping your employees engaged and motivated as the weather warms up. However, the business must continue as usual even when the sun shines, and high temperatures abound. To keep productivity from slipping, utilize these tips to ensure your employees are focused and working.

Work Outside

Undoubtedly, one of the hardest things about working during the summer is looking out the window and thinking about everything else you could be doing. Humans are not supposed to always be indoors, especially on bright, sunny days. Most workplaces can be wireless, allowing employees to work outside for bits of time during warm months.

Encourage your team to get outside during the workday. Expand lunch breaks or hold meetings in the sunshine. You might consider half-day Fridays for the summer if possible. Avoid strict workplace hours so your employees can make the most of summer.

Host Competitions and Contests

A fantastic and fun way to boost company morale while encouraging productivity during the summer is by sponsoring a friendly office contest. Contests can pull workers from their summer stupor and get them excited and engaged. The competitions can be athletic or revolve around your work goals, such as sales or customer responses. Make sure you select a fun prize and send out leaderboards to update how all employees perform.


It is good practice to keep your employees or team members updated on when individuals are taking vacations. Also, let employees know which employees to contact when the individuals are away. To safeguard workplace communication, hold weekly meetings to discuss your expectations for the week and any events for which they should be looking.

Flexible Hours

The summer months are when business slows down for most companies, so consider allowing employees to work from home on Fridays. The Summertime is when families and individuals plan vacations, so let your employees take a break and relax. A break will help your employees focus when they are back in the office.

Casual Dress Days

It is fun to have a casual dress day during the summer months. A casual day promotes an enjoyable atmosphere and gives employees a break from slacks or high heels. Schedule the casual day when it is appropriate, and it is wise to coordinate them around holidays or company events.

Promote Healthy Living

Work is stressful, and too much harms your health. Many full-time employees in the U.S. are above average weight or have a chronic condition, resulting in a loss of productivity and profitability. Do not let your employees get burned out. Ensure that your employees have adequate time to stay healthy, physically and mentally.

Consider starting an employee wellness program. Encourage walking or jogging, and offer healthy food and snacks in the office. Successful wellness programs save money, increase productivity, and improve morale while improving the quality of life for employees.

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Posted by xact support

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