The Key To Better Food For Thought…Really

It is not difficult to have trouble focusing. There is the news, the worries about family and friends, finances, and more. Trouble focusing drains your brainpower. However, a healthy diet can increase your concentration. It would help if you were well-nourished and hydrated, so your brain cells work better, and your body does not distract you. The right foods can support brain function and health and keep you focused throughout the day. Here are some better foods for thought.


Nature’s superfood. Blueberries are full of health benefits, including antioxidants which safeguard your body from free radicals. Blueberries are also elevated in nutrition and low in calories. According to studies, blueberries can slow the rate of cognitive decline. These healthy berries pair well with strawberries, Greek yogurt, or a smoothie.


Fatty fish are great for concentration. Fish like salmon, tuna, cod, and pollock contain omega-3 fatty acids and DHA, which improve concentration and memory. Try to consume two portions of fatty fish each week. Focus on fish low in mercury.

Green Tea

Green tea includes caffeine and L-theanine, which aid in alertness and overall focus. L-theanine helps you relax and be alert, which helps to make this beverage great for improving concentration and memory. Green tea promotes increased production in your brain’s cortex when you need mental clarity for extended periods. For optimal benefits, drink 3-5 cups of green tea daily.


7 in 10 of your fellow Americans drink coffee every week, and around 62% drink coffee every day. There is a reason for this popularity. Drinking coffee in the first light helps with alertness and concentration. Caffeine consumption increases memory and retention too.


Eggs contain choline, a nutrient that reduces inflammation and cognitive decline. Eating eggs can give you a boost of tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin. Serotonin improves mood and normalizes your sleep schedule.


Nuts contain high omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for the brain’s cognitive functions. These acids contain copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium. These nutrients are essential for healthy neurological function. A handful of nuts is a terrific afternoon snack, or you can add them as a salad topping.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are abundant in zinc, which helps your metabolism and immune system. Snack on pumpkin seeds as they can help your memory and thinking skills. You can consume pumpkin seeds raw or roasted. Consider adding pumpkin seeds to a salad, smoothie, oatmeal, or homemade granola.


Tomatoes include an antioxidant called Lycopene that helps prevent free radical destruction. Brimming with vitamin A and vitamin C, tomatoes are another great addition to a fresh salad or raw as a snack. Remember to leave the skin on tomatoes when you eat them because that is where primary nutrients live.

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