The Art of Mindfulness: How to Quiet Your Thoughts and Boost Your Productivity

Mindfulness is the ability to be present and aware while not becoming overwhelmed with circumstances going on around us. It is something we all naturally possess. With mindfulness, you fully attend to what is happening, what you are doing and the space you are moving through. Mindfulness allows you to manage obsessive thoughts and anxiety, quiet your thoughts, and boost productivity.

Boost Productivity

With mindfulness, you can make better decisions which boosts productivity. When mindful of your actions, you make better choices and avoid biased decisions. The decision-making process becomes a cognitive exercise instead of an impulsive reaction to immediate needs. Mindfulness allows for the early identification of problems and a more creative problem-solving approach.

Your focus will improve too. The distraction of the mind is an obstacle to getting things done. It is easy to become distracted at work by stressors like deadlines, nosy bosses and toxic colleagues. With mindfulness, you will know where to focus your energy. This focus will help you avoid distractions that can affect your productivity and performance in the workplace.

Mindfulness can relieve stress, promote job satisfaction and increase productivity. It helps manage stress by calming the amygdala, the brain section responsible for emotional reactivity. It keeps you grounded with a broad perspective to handle stressful events.

Mindful Habits

Some techniques can help you achieve a mindful state. If you want to build more mindful habits into your life, here are some ideas:

  • Breathing. Take a moment to notice the breaths you take. Focus solely on how your body feels now. Mindful breathing promotes creativity, relaxed focus, and improved productivity.
  • Sensory exercises. Periodically take a moment and note what you feel through your five senses. What do you see and smell? How does this affect your thoughts? The information the environment provides helps to put your mind in a relaxed state.
  • A gratitude list. List things you are thankful for each day. Writing them down makes it permanent and gives you something to reflect on when life has you down.

The Basics of Practicing Mindfulness

When you practice mindfulness, you put space between yourself and your reactions. You can quiet your thoughts and be productive. Here is how you can tune into mindfulness throughout your workday:

  • Set some time aside. No special equipment is needed, but you must set aside time.
  • Observe the present moment. Pay attention to the current moment without judgment.
  • Let judgments roll past you. If you notice judgment arising during your practice, note them and let them go.
  • Observe the present moment as it is. Your mind might get carried away in thought. Mindfulness is the practice of returning to the present moment.
  • Be kind to your wandering mind. Don’t judge yourself or any thoughts that crop up. Just recognize when your mind is wandering off and gently bring it back.

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