5 Tricks That Will Make You Way More Productive

Looking for quick and easy ways to improve productivity? We all are! Boosting productivity is essential to achieving work goals – whether they’re for yourself, your department or your entire organization. Below, Exact Staff shares five tricks that will help you and your team get more done in a snap: Change Your Mentality One of…

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How to Disrupt Your Industry

What do companies like Uber, Spotify and Dropbox have in common? They’re three of the top companies whose innovations are revolutionizing the business landscape. These organizations aren’t just coming up with cool new products and services; they’re turning their respective industries on their heads. How do they do it – and how can you accomplish…

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Want to Grow Your Business? Start Delegating These 6 Tasks

Enjoying those 14-hour work days? We didn’t think so. But unless you’re proactively handing-off non-essential tasks and projects, those marathon work days aren’t likely to get any shorter. Your best solution? Start delegating. Delegation is much more than a work/life balance tool; it’s a critical business process that can help you run a more efficient,…

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Get Twice as Much Done in Half the Time

Need to work a 60-hour week to get it all done? For a country so obsessed with productivity, we sure do put in a lot of extra hours. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right strategy (and a healthy measure of discipline), you can easily accomplish twice as much work in…

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Smart Management: Avoid Making These Mistakes Twice

Being human. It’s what allows us to relate well with employees, build meaningful business relationships and lead effectively. It’s also what causes us to make mistakes. Sure, we strive for perfection – but no matter how much experience we have or care we take, we’re still quite human. And sooner or later, we’re all going…

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Don’t Lose Your Composure! Maintain a Calm Character at Work

Your client just sent you a nasty email – blaming you for a mistake you didn’t make. You found three employees slacking off in the break room – instead of doing their jobs. Your sales team fell short of their target – again. When things go wrong at work, it’s natural to become frustrated and…

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Power Up Your Workforce

Ever notice how some employees do the absolute minimum required to keep from getting fired, while others consistently go above and beyond your expectations? The difference in their performance is called “discretionary effort.” In simplest terms, discretionary effort is effort employees can give to go above and beyond requirements – when they want to. If…

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Conquer Your Inbox | Here’s How

It’s official: Email is running our business lives. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, we spend, on average, 13 hours per workweek reading, deleting, sorting and sending emails. That’s over a quarter of a typical 40-hour week! Honestly, it’s a wonder we get anything accomplished in the office. The key to greater workplace productivity? Conquer…

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The Most Influential People Have These Habits

Barack Obama. Pope Francis. Bill Gates. Oprah Winfrey. No matter how you feel about these individuals, you can’t deny this simple truth: They’re some of the most influential people in the world. They speak their minds. Sway people’s opinions. And leave an indelible mark on everything they touch. What’s their secret? In a word, discipline.…

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3 Business Ideas and Opportunities That Will Inspire You

A pen that writes in over 16 million colors? Plastic bags that are “upcycled” into student backpacks with solar-powered lamps? Ambulance drones? These are just a few of the amazing new innovations from businesses around the world. How are they doing it? By creating corporate cultures that supports the development of great ideas, and by…

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