7 Tips on Answering “Why Are You a Great Match for This Role?” At a Job Interview

Recruiters and employers must assess why you fit a particular role, so they ask the question. Additionally, they want to know if you have considered the position and why you might be a terrific fit. Employers want to hire someone confident in their abilities and who can perform the job. When you get the “why…

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The Simple Eye Contact Trick You Should Use in Every Conversation

Make eye contact. Have you ever heard that advice before? It usually tops the list of things to do when interviewing for a new job or meeting a new client. Most people do not want to conduct business with someone who cannot make eye contact with them. If you’re going to build your career and…

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Opening Lines to Set You Apart in Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It is a fantastic way to grab a hiring manager’s attention while highlighting why you are the best person for the job. There is no established proper way to open a cover letter, but there are certain lines to help you stand out and statements…

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Strategies for More Successful Decision-Making

Gut feelings and hunches? Save them for choosing your next dessert. You’re a manager – which means that you need to apply disciplined, sound strategies to your decision-making practices. While it’s nearly impossible to distill complex decision-making processes into a few terse bullets, solid fundamentals are undeniably important. Here are four basic strategies you can…

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Deliver Criticism So That It’s Constructive – Not Demoralizing

Ever been criticized at work? Was the feedback delivered in a constructive way, or did you feel like you were being personally attacked? The answer probably has a lot to do with how that criticism was delivered. Providing constructive feedback is an integral part of successful employee management. When the feedback is positive, it’s a…

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4 Obstacles to Organizational Agility

Would you describe your business as nimble? Innovative? Flexible? Or stuck in the mud? Organizational agility helps your business adapt to its changing environment, by deftly executing initiatives in support of your overall strategy. It’s what allows your business to: respond quickly and effectively to urgent issues and risks; stay profitable in turbulent markets; identify…

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Fresh Strategies for Creative Problem Solving

Dead ends. Blank pages. Mental blocks. The struggle to solve problems is all too real. Sometimes, inspiration is in short supply. Other times, you may have plenty of great ideas – but no process for seeing them through. What’s a savvy business professional to do? Get creative! Creative problem solving is much more than brainstorming;…

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Terrible Leaders Can Teach You This

Ever hear of the “CASE” method? It’s an acronym for Copy And Steal Everything, something that great managers, executives and entrepreneurs do all the time. After all, why start from scratch when you can learn from another exceptional leader’s success? Of course, you can learn from terrible leaders, too – what NOT to copy and…

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What’s Coming Next for Your Business…And How to Prepare for It

What’s true of all successful organizations? They think about, talk about and plan for the future. No matter what industry you’re in, change is a constant. So if you’re spending too much time looking in the “rearview mirror” – and not enough on the road ahead – your products, services or processes will rapidly become…

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How to Get Employees to Accept Feedback

They get defensive. They call in sick on performance review days. They nod their heads and promise to change, but keep on doing the same things in the same way. Let’s face it – some employees just don’t want your management advice or feedback. And if you share it, they’re not likely to take it…

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