Are we True Blue: Adopt These Success Habits of Authentic People

Ever met a “social chameleon”?

You know, one of those people who acts one way around a certain group of people, but entirely different around another?

Now here’s a tougher question: Have you ever been a social chameleon?

To a certain extent, all of us wear “masks” in social situations. We often feel a need to behave in a way that’s appropriate for a particular situation, or we may worry that our “real” self isn’t good enough for others.

But while subtly adapting to a social situation may be beneficial, completely changing your personality based on whom you’re with is disingenuous. And over time, people will see through your façade, labeling you as phony, untrustworthy or inauthentic.

We’re guessing those aren’t labels you want.

As the title of this post suggests, people are naturally drawn to authenticity. Individuals who are true to themselves and comfortable in their own skin make others feel comfortable. Safe. Valued. If you’d like to amp up your authenticity, try implementing these success habits authentic people have mastered:

They stand up for what they believe in – even when it goes against the grain.

Honesty with themselves and others is non-negotiable for authentic people. They’re unafraid to live with the repercussions of staying true to themselves.

They foster deep, genuine connections.

Idle chatter is a waste of time for authentic people. Instead, they focus on being present during conversations and using active listening skills to understand others, find common ground and build meaningful connections. If you’d like to hone your abilities as an active listener, use the tips in this earlier post.

They’re unafraid to show their flaws.

Authentic people realize that perfection is unattainable, and that trying to perfect a flawless image (in words, deeds or appearance) is inherently disingenuous. They dare to embrace their imperfections and make themselves vulnerable in the process. And if showing their flaws means someone doesn’t like them? Authentic people take it in stride.

They cut loose negative people.

Truly authentic people won’t tolerate the baggage toxic people bring to relationships, nor will they invest energy trying to change them. If an authentic person can’t completely remove a negative individual from their life, they’ll emotionally insulate themselves as a form of protection.

They make lemonade.

Ever-practical and realistic, authentic people face facts. When faced with a challenging situation, they don’t sit around and whine; they look for solutions while making the best of their circumstances.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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