Are You Overlooking this Key to Workplace Productivity?

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.”
–James Humes, author and former presidential speech-writer

Clear communication – speaking, listening, writing, understanding and resolving conflict – is essential to building and maintaining a successful business. When you communicate with your staff effectively, you:

  • Facilitate collaboration, teamwork and knowledge transfer
  • Prevent unnecessary mistakes and misunderstandings
  • Increase efficiency and productivity

Are you making great communication enough of a priority? As a leader in your organization, it’s up to you to keep your skills strong – and overcome areas of weakness. If it’s been awhile since you’ve examined your communication skills, take a quick inventory of your proficiency in the following areas:

Verbal Skills

The ability to clearly explain requests, instructions and ideas – as well as your underlying reasons for them – is critical to leading, motivating and orchestrating the activities of your employees. Polish your verbal communication skills by:

  • Organizing your thoughts first. While most daily verbal interactions are not scripted, give thought to planned conversations so you present your ideas in a logical way.
  • Checking understanding. Repeat and paraphrase what you say, and then ask questions to be sure that your message is understood.
  • Practicing frequently – whether it’s giving a quick summary at a meeting or presenting at an industry conference.

Written Skills

To make your reports, emails, memos and other forms of written communication more effective:

  • Choose your words carefully. Context, semantics and diction dramatically impact the meaning of what you write.
  • Choose the right format for your message.
  • Provide complete information the first time.
  • Review every word you write with a critical eye, to make sure it conveys exactly what you mean.

Non-Verbal Skills

Posture, eye contact, intonation and body language have as much impact on your communication as the words you use. When speaking with employees, make sure that your non-verbal cues support what you’re saying – otherwise, you run the risk of sending mixed messages which can easily be misinterpreted.

Listening Skills

The ability to understand others is just as important as saying the right thing. As a leader:

  • Listen as much as you speak.
  • Ask questions that elicit productive responses.
  • Encourage others to share their ideas – including dissenting opinions and criticisms.
  • Pay attention to what others don’t say – not just what they do say.

Adapting Your Message to the Audience

Should you speak to a client the same way you’d speak to an entry level employee? Obviously, it depends! In every communication, make sure that you consider your audience – their background, beliefs, expectations and level of sophistication – when crafting your message. Doing so ensures that your message will be understood and interpreted as you intended.

Looking for other ways to ramp-up productivity?

Exact Staff is here to support you. Whether you’re up against a deadline, tackling a big project, or want to build your core team, our national employment agency provides a full complement of staffing and placement services to help you get the most from your workforce.


Posted by Exact Staff

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