Strategies of Uncommon Wisdom Fuel Top Performance

Leading a team to consistently perform at its peak is a common goal for managers – and a common theme to posts you’ll find on our blog.

We’ve written about the topic frequently over the past year or so, sharing great advice from a variety of sources. Here are a few of our favorite installments:

3 Ways to Be a Leader People WANT to Follow

3 Important Things Great Leaders Do Every Day

5 Ways a Leader Can Build the Perfect Team

In today’s leadership wisdom post, Exact Staff shares six of Larry Sternberg’s strategies to maximize performance by leveraging the talents and efforts of your staff:

Accept Employees as They Are

As a leader, your efforts should focus on optimizing your team’s performance – not changing who they are. Identify and develop individuals’ strengths, and be willing to tolerate some undesirable behaviors.

Shift Your Team’s Thinking from “What” to “Why

Everyone in your organization can explain what they do, but do they know why they’re doing it? Periodically remind employees how their work impacts their department, your organization and the world around you. When people understand how their daily responsibilities contribute to the greater good, they’re more likely to exert discretionary effort to achieve greater results.

Don’t Micromanage

Resist the urge to seize control of your team’s work. Provide the tools, training, guidelines and resources employees need to do an amazing job for you. Then let go of the reins. Give your staff the autonomy and authority to accomplish their work free from micromanagement – and their performance will soar.

Be a Staunch Optimist

Don’t settle for SMART goals; dream bigger. Help your employees achieve their full potential by setting BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) – and then sharing your optimism to keep their efforts on track.

Spend More Time on the 20

The Pareto Principle dictates that 20 percent of your effort will yield 80 percent of your results. Apply that same principle to managing your people. Spend more of your time developing the top 20 percent of your team, understanding what makes them successful, and recognizing the great results they deliver.

Hire People Who Can Replace You

Your efforts to fuel your team’s performance will dramatically accelerate your own career growth. Make it easier for senior leaders to promote you by training your staff to take over your responsibilities. Coach and mentor a handful of exceptional performers who can keep driving the success you’ve worked so hard to create – so that you can move onto bigger and better things.

Optimize Your Team’s Performance by Providing the Support They Need

The right staffing partner keeps your core employees focused and motivated to do their best work – no matter what comes your way. With a national presence and a full complement of staffing and placement services, Exact Staff is ideally suited to be the partner you need.

How can we help? Contact your local Exact Staff office today.

Posted by Exact Staff

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