Productive Mornings Start with Great Nighttime Rituals

Ever have one of those mornings when you’re feeling positive, full of energy, focused and ready to tackle whatever work throws your way?

We think you need more of those.

Sure, it helps to have a solid morning routine. But if you want to make dramatic improvements in your happiness and productivity in the a.m., change what you do the night before.

What, exactly, should you do differently at the end of your workday to set yourself up for morning success? Here are a few suggestions:


Tempted to check work email right before bed? Don’t. The last thing you need is to be lying in your bed, planning your response to a client or worrying about a message your boss sent. And honestly, you shouldn’t just unplug from work, you should unplug from EVERYTHING. As you may know, the blue light emitted by monitors and phone screens disrupts your circadian rhythm – making it harder to fall asleep.

Establish a time buffer between when you disconnect and when you lay your head on the pillow. You’ll fall asleep faster and with a clearer mind.

Put More Weekend in Your Weeknight

Weekends are great for a reason: We spend more time with our family and friends, doing things we love. So, if all you do is nightly couch-surfing Sunday through Thursday, change your routine. You don’t have to go out to extravagant dinners seven nights a week. Simply making mid-week plans to spend two hours with someone you love will make you happier at bedtime – and in the morning, too.

Skip the Tube Time

Watching a few hours of TV at night may numb your mind, but it doesn’t do much to help your brain recover or make you feel better about yourself. Research, however, shows that actively engaging in a hobby – doing things you’re good at, and trying to become better at them – significantly increases happiness and success.

Reflect on Your Day

Start a (paper) gratitude journal. At the end of the day, write down three things for which you’re thankful. No matter how small they are, habitually recalling these positive experiences will help you escape the mental torture of reliving negative things that occurred during your day. Over time, you will rewire your brain to become more optimistic at day’s end. That good feeling will set you up for better sleep and set the stage for a better morning.

Looking for Other Ways to Boost Productivity?

Exact Staff is here to support you. Whether your team is up against a deadline, planning your next big project, or ready to grow, our national employment agency provides a full complement of staffing and placement services to help you get more done (which makes everyone happier).



Posted by Exact Staff

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