Prevent Burnout by Flipping Your Thinking

“Check out.”



When it comes to preventing job burnout, conventional wisdom advises you to find ways of distancing yourself from your work. But while a hardcore “no work after 5 p.m.” policy or a two-week vacation may sound amazing, they’re not practical for most managers.

What’s more, work demands aren’t the chief cause of burnout. According to research cited in this SmartBrief article, poor relationships (e.g., passive-aggressive, rude or bullying behaviors) are the real problem. And it makes sense. A lack of real connection with important people inside and outside your office can drain your emotional energy, undermine your effectiveness and lead to feelings of depersonalization.

The best way to protect yourself from burnout? Flip your thinking. When work is overwhelming you, don’t disconnect; strengthen these three connections to recharge your emotional energy levels:

Reconnect with Yourself

It may sound cliché, but taking time to take care of yourself increases your emotional and physical well-being – making you more resilient to all types of stress. So treat yourself like a client or customer, and schedule regular time to do the things that make you feel more like yourself – whether it’s exercising, tackling nagging to-dos, pampering yourself, meditating, reading or growing as a professional. The activity itself is not as important as how much it allows you to press your personal “reset button.”

Nurture Relationships with Coworkers and Customers

Forced to work with difficult clients? Managing disengaged employees? Out of touch with your customers’ needs? Maybe it’s time to wrap your metaphorical arms around them. Strengthen transactional or dysfunctional work relationships by:

  • Asking important questions, such as “What are the biggest problems you’re facing?”
  • Making relationship “deposits,” by finding little ways to add value or make others’ jobs easier.
  • Spending time on the front lines. If your job has distanced you from the people who matter most to your business, make time to reconnect with them directly.

Strengthen Connections Outside Work

Demanding work schedules and increased use of technology are fueling an epidemic of loneliness in our country. The best antidote? Facetime with friends and family. You’re disciplined and intentional about giving clients, vendors and customers the time and attention they need. To, ward-off burnout, invest the same level of effort into strengthening personal relationships.

Want to be a more effective manager? Connect with the right staffing partner.

The right staffing partner can enhance your efficacy by delivering exceptional people to support everyone on your busy team and prevent burnout. With a national presence, and a full complement of staffing and placement services, Exact Staff can design the ideal solution for your business.



Posted by Exact Staff

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