Smart People Never Include These Words and Phrases on Their Resume

 “addicted to online shopping”

“in my 30s and living with my mom”

“someone who enjoys long naps during the work day”

You’d never put phrases like these in your professional resume. They’re career sabotage!

But if you want to create a resume that truly distinguishes you as the best candidate for a position, you need to do more than avoid obvious faux pas. Today, we’re sharing a list of words and phrases that, while they may seem innocuous, should never make it onto your resume. Some are cliché. Others are utterly meaningless. And all could knock you out of contention for the job you want.:

Results Driven

Um, who isn’t?

Hard Worker/Strong Work Ethic

That’s a bummer; the employer was looking to hire a loafer.


Instead of using a quirky word to show you’re great at something, quantify it.


Think this makes you sound eager or productive? So does every other job seeker you’re competing against. List projects or responsibilities that provide evidence of your initiative.

Team Player

Finally – a candidate who plays well in the sandbox! Instead of claiming you have great qualities, describe activities or accomplishments that portray them.


What are you – coated in dry rub? Your years on the job and job titles clearly explain how experienced you are.


Phrases like this waste valuable space on your resume. Replace it with examples of how you spotted mistakes or identified problems in complex situations.


The employer had presumed that – until you just brought it up, that is…


Unless you’re Elon Musk or Bill Gates, just don’t.

Need Help Refining Your Resume?

Contact an Exact Staff Career Agent. We can help you improve your resume so that it strengthens your candidacy – and improves your job prospects. If you’re ready for a new opportunity to build your skills and advance your career, register with your local Exact Staff office today.


Posted by Exact Staff

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